Avengers: Age of Ultron (Post-release)

Though there would be multiple reasons as to why people expressed their outrage, judging by lot of the tweets and articles it seems to go beyond damsel in distress and Natasha/Banner's relationship. Of course if the haters were really paying attention, one would realize the relationship didn't materialize out of nowhere. They shared a bond right at the beginning of the first movie and again before he hulked out due to Loki's influence. Their bond is strong and currently stronger than what they have with any of their other teammates. Anyone who is still puzzled by their dynamic, I urge you to read the following article which brings some great prescriptive, including about their relationship.

Now back to the outrage.

Joss Whedon Deletes Twitter Account After Rabid Feminist 'Avengers' Backlash - Breitbart
This article addresses some key details about the misguided outrage that likely led to Joss Whedon's Twitter exit.

Two reasons:

1) A joke made kinda in the spirit of the character that was taken too seriously. Maybe it was a tasteless joke, but it was still a joke made to represent that fictitious person's sense of humor in line with their personality.

2) Black Widow's 'monster' statement was misconstrued.

That article gave you a glimpse of some of the tweets. Click on the link below to see more. It's striking how in most of these situations many of the attackers are always anonymous users with no real photos. In the midst of all the outrage and vile comments is Joss Whedon't final tweet.

The strong feminism behind Black Widow, and why the critiques don’t stand up - The Washington Post
This is another good article which examines her character and her motivation.


Also remember Whedon has quit Twitter in the past. His exit was perfectly timed this time with the opening week of AOU. Now he gets to focus on his next project, like he did in the past. And I am eagerly looking forward to that. Joss Whedon fan for life.

This is part of his interview from few years back.

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I'm a bona fide staunch feminist and seeing those tweets aimed of Joss just makes me cringe. I may call out show writers, creators and studios for making stupid decisions, but I'd never attack anyone like that. Ugh, and I didn't really have any problems with the film that these tweet use. Could those moments have been done better? Sure, but they also could have been done A LOT WORSE. They could have had her make a world wide broadcast to the entire world about how wrong she is and how awesome Tony Stark is.

I'm glad Joss is taking these steps for a confrontation could have ended in disaster. Last thing any fan of a franchise wants is another show runner telling their fans to **** off.
James Gunn: My friend Joe Russo of the Russo brothers on the rage that's been directed toward Joss Whedon on the Internet the past couple of days: "This kind of vitriol should be reserved for issues that actually demand outrage. Look around at your world... fiction is not one of them."
James Gunn: Some thoughts of mine about fan outrage on the Internet.
As much as anybody out there James Gunn gets misunderstood by the public. So what if the guy hangs out with pornstars (they're people, too, no?), makes films of arguable taste (not by me - "Super" makes me cry.) but the guy is a genuine class act through and through.

Gunn faced his own hate when he was writing Dawn of the Dead. Some lousy writer hack trashed his screenplay online and the haters dog-piled on him with death threats. In the end Gunn gave us one of the best zombie movies of all time.

I have no doubt Gunn feels for Joss. I'm happy he wrote that.
I ask, between Natasha and Bruce which one wore the pants? And which one was timid, indecisive, required emotional support and ultimately fled for fear of intimacy?

Age of Ultron is the Godfather and Seven Samurai of superhero movies in my book (and, until we get the 3.25 hour cut it's also The Magnificent Ambersons) Nobody ever complained about Pulp Fiction trying to cram too much story into one film. AoU defies convention in many ways while satisfying conventions of the genre. As with many great films (e.g. Blade Runner) this one is often misunderstood in its time. Not everyone was ready for this film. I think it's still the greatest thing (next to Firefly) Joss has done and probably the greatest superhero film of all time ... in my brazen opinion.
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New article I just found. Apparently, Whedon was against the cave scene being there, but Marvel execs said it was either included, or the farmhouse and the dreams were out. Also, he apparently did want to include Spidey and Captain Marvel, but couldn't because the deal to get Spidey wasn't signed in time, and Captain Marvel wasn't cast yet.
New article I just found. Apparently, Whedon was against the cave scene being there, but Marvel execs said it was either included, or the farmhouse and the dreams were out. Also, he apparently did want to include Spidey and Captain Marvel, but couldn't because the deal to get Spidey wasn't signed in time, and Captain Marvel wasn't cast yet.
Forget the article. Listen to The Empire podcast that is referenced. You can hear it in his own words. These online articles make him seem angry, persecuted and embittered. In his own voice it seems he respects the process and is, at the same time, amused at his perpetual hubris with such an undertaking.

I was reading over on aicn.com and came across this statement:
was Chris Hemsworth seriously having the most fun and getting fantastic lines! That one exclamation of his that causes Banner to hate himself a little more… well, GENIUS!"
Okay I guess I missed this piece or didn't hear it? Can someone fill me in ?
I had numerous problems with the film, even though there were elements I enjoyed like Vision lifting the hammer. But those were moments of goodness. They don't counterbalance problems with characters.

Joss totally disrespected Ultron all throughout the film. He only seemed like a threat at his reveal. Every other time Ultron was present, either the real threat were the twins, with Wanda totally dismantling the team, or internal bickering. Ultron never really seemed like he could beat the Avengers by himself, and that's basically what Ultron does. He's a team buster. He can tank hits from Mjolnir and dislocate Hulk's arm without a second thought. And he made some bone-headed mistakes along the way that is uncharacteristic of the character. Much is made about making him more "human" with Spader voicing him basically no different than Spader voices anything else, and that certainly is a problem, but I could overlook it if Ultron were actually clever. He never tricked the Avengers like Loki did. He never really had the upper hand. The Avengers were always aware of what he was doing and were hot on his trail.

It's pretty unforgivable to someone who likes the character. It was an utter waste of a villain and was too similar to Avengers 1 in that respect. I'm not convinced Joss knows how to deal with villains properly. He seems more interested in setting up convenient "Gee whiz" or chuckling moments for his heroes than actually giving them a credible threat to deal with.

Joss is gone from the MCU and I say good riddance. The Russo brothers did Bucky as the Winter Soldier very well. He was a clear and present danger, nearly a match for his hero, and he has a chance to be seen again. I'm happy to see them taking over the Avengers franchise.
I was reading over on aicn.com and came across this statement:
was Chris Hemsworth seriously having the most fun and getting fantastic lines! That one exclamation of his that causes Banner to hate himself a little more… well, GENIUS!"
Okay I guess I missed this piece or didn't hear it? Can someone fill me in ?

The gates of hell are full of the screams of your victims.
Got to see it finally on Monday night. I thought it was great, on par or just barely below the first one. I stayed engaged throughout the film. Not going to over analyze any part of it, I've really enjoyed the franchise and look forward to the new films arriving, along with re-watching what is already out there.
Ruffalo made some good comments on Reddit. My friend also commented "why is reddit having a nice convo while the rest of the internet is eating each other. Which AU is this?" in response.
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