Avatar: Jake Sully's pack(while in avatar form)


Well-Known Member
Searched but never found a thread of this(can't believe there isn't one yet)
Well, saw the film yesterday(In 3D!) And tha pack caught my interest immediately. Unfortunately I have no reference pictures of the pack, if anyone has, posting one will be appreciated.
The pack had 4(or 5) if I remember right, yellow canisters strapped to it.
Has anyone an idea of tha brand or model that the pack is, or is it custom?

(And sorry if a thread already exists, at least I did not find aything)
Thanks. I thought that I saw some sort of canisters on the back of the pack instead of the yellow compartment/pocket. Hmm.
The pack looks like custm made for the film. =(

There's a large square recess at the bottom of the packs. Jake's was carrying 4 boxes with yellow handles which I think were supposed to be batteries or sample cases.

Edit found this pic of back of the toy:

Thanks. Gotta search around for a similiar backpack, or just start sewing.
