If you have 30-40 megs of semi-permanent storage somewhere where I can upload what I have.. I can help you out. If not... here's what I did:
Bought SW: Chronicles (it's expensive, but the pics are great)
Bought the Widescreen DVD version of ROTJ and took screencaps w/ Cyberlink DVD player
Bought The Art of Star Wars (ROTJ version)
Bought Star Wars: Behind the Magic Vehicles Special Edition (actually, lonepigeon sent it to me - thanks Chris.)
After that it was a matter of just hunting through images.altavista.com ... images.google.com and using tags like at-st, atst, at st walker, chicken walker, atst blueprint, etc.
If you search this forum using tags like "star wars exhibit, star wars exhibition, cosi," etc there are some links to where members have posted pics.. there's some great ones of the ST from a guy who took photos at the France exhibit.
Asking around can net you pics as well. It's work, but it's worth taking the time to dig around if you want to build a realistic model.
Here's some of the better links:
Hope that helps..