Thanks John. I did check that place and they have some good stuff that I'll probably end up using. However, I could be completely off my rocker, but I think the straps on the atat pilot are a different kind of strap. I know the scans are awful, but there is a distinct ribbed pattern to that strap which I cannot find at strapworks.
With the way things usually are, I'm guessing it's some kind of rare material that was only manufactured around the time ESB was filmed. :lol
Thanks for the catch on the color. They do look darker compared to the white armor.
The flightsuit is gray. If you watch ESB, they are pretty dark. I think the pic in the VD is VERY washed out making it appear white-ish.
I can't find that particular style of welding gloves anywhere. They look to be a light-gray/white with three ribs across the back of the hand. I'll have to scratch-build the comlink unless someone knows where I can get one.
However, I did find a whole stash of those exact moonboots online.
Just kidding. I can dream, can't I? Looked for a few hours. Came up empty handed. The best I know to do now is find a style that closely matches and spraypaint the things white.