is back!


Sr Member
Hey guys,

If you're looking to get into astromeching or just need some good reference pics of 1:1 R series droids ...come on over to the newly revised site.

The new site looks great.

Hopefully we can get away from that Yahoo group. I know lots of folks prefer that but it's just so much easier to deal with a Forum structure. 100 emails a day get old.

Great work and thanks to all that made it happen.
The new site looks great.

Hopefully we can get away from that Yahoo group. I know lots of folks prefer that but it's just so much easier to deal with a Forum structure. 100 emails a day get old.

Great work and thanks to all that made it happen.

Here, Here!!! I can't figure out a thing on that board!!!

The whole "email list vs. forum" thing comes up it seems like once a month. The answer always boils down to the fact that the guy who started the group wants it to stay a group.

I'm told that it takes some getting used to, but in the year or so i've been a member, I haven't managed to get used to it. I find it clumsy, but that's just me. I think the thing that saves it is that it's absolutely THE place to go for knowledge, information, and passionate builders. There's just no place else. So it survives :) I personally feel that I would contribute more if it was a forum, but hey, thats just me.
I've been the owner of the builders club domain, for years, and last year I set up a forum for the council, after what must have been months and months of trying to get people to even try it. There was just so much resistance to the whole forum thing, that eventually I gave up trying to sell everyone on it. Glad to see it online in some form. I'll have to kill the old one now.

the best way is just forward all messages to a gmail account, there it gets all nicely sorted automatically, and searched for info later on :)
Site looks fantastic! So much better than those damned Yahoo Groups. That R2 Builders Yahoo Group is such a pain I can't be bothered to go there anymore.
The new Astromech is awesome, and the forums are really taking off!

Best of all, lots of experienced builders have gotten back on board and make the new forum a really great place. Even Don Bies has his own section to answer questions about the droids used in the movies.

That is so cool! I by chance checked it yesterday and found it up again. Very nice design! I also kinda like the idea of a forum instead of a Yahoo group.

Of course, I haven't checked it out much yet. SO, how does the forum work? I don't suppose you just use the Yahoo login name and password? Reregister for the forum like you would for a regular forum, even though a person's already in the Yahoo group? Or how do you go about it? (Since I'm lazy and haven't checked the Yahoo site since last summer. :D)


You just create a login and password like you would any other forum.

I'm sure that there will be those that still like the Yahoo board, but the new forums on are starting to get some good traction as well.

One of the things that we will be working on for some time is the official DroidWiki...This will be THE place to find relevant info about our little domed buddy.

Come on by, take a look around, and feel free to join the fun :)

You will need to register on the new forum, which is very similar to registering on the RPF. A few simple fields to fill in, an email confirmation, and you are off to the races.

Once you are registered, you can set up all the other cool features too. You can have a member gallery to show off your R2 stuff, add your location to the builders map, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting.

The forum is much more enjoyable to check on a regular basis than the yahoo group. :thumbsup

EDIT: Jason is quicker on the trigger than I am! :) :)
Can anyone here help me get registered? I applied a day or so ago, but have not heard anything back.
The new site is great!

Mike, you should just put a page on your domain (great domain name, btw, to the astromech site!)
I don't remember hearing about your site, did you post it publicly or just to the BC members?
Anyway, I am glad it came together, thanks to Wayne, Jerry, Pixelfiend and others.

I would like to see the traffic from the yahoo group migrate but it just doesn't seem to happen.
I must admit though, there is something about the free form manner of the board that I like: whatever the topic or question, it goes out to everyone, so I find myself chiming in and pondering pieces of the build I either hadn't thought of yet, hadn't considered in a long time or I think of something in a new way because of someone else's approach to it or question.

In the forums, I find that I don't go to the discussions that don't involve my build right now or in the foreseeable future.
So, I am trying to change my habits.
I seem to have little time though, after reading the board and then visiting here! :lol
i much prefer the astromech site than the yahoo board, its alot easier to find stuff imho.

needs a bit more traffic though, dunno why there are not more yahoo members migrating?

I am a victim of Al Gore's 'technology gap'.

The server where I work blocks the domain
and my home connection (a shared uplink) is
too slow to view it reliably there.

So I must get all my info either from the yahoo group, or
the more laid back
Anybody have an idea what is going on with the site now? Seems to be down and then I get a subscription notice that I can't log onto the site to read.
Anybody have an idea what is going on with the site now? Seems to be down and then I get a subscription notice that I can't log onto the site to read.

The site was working fine like 5 minutes ago. I just left there and came back here to check for you. I've never had a subscription notice before though.
