Assassin's Creed series costume projects (AC3 tomahawk on 6-1-12 -page 6)

Re: Assassin's Creed series costume projects (Revelations updated on 5-4-12 -page 6)


finished the remake of the tomahawk last night (the head was sculpted and refined over the previous 2 days)

The handle is wood, but since it was going to be cast, i used a woodburning tool to burn in a wood texture to make it look more like wood.
if that makes sense.

As for the rest of the AC3 costume, its not going to happen any time soon ^^; bunch of other things to work on/finish!
I'm going completely insane. Like I said, you're a huge inspiration to me. But how do you keep the sewlines so straight and symmetrical?! I worked on my hood today and it's just.. just....hideous. (and still proud of it :') )
This is incredible, I'm currently working on an ACIII build but I'm getting the suit in from somewhere else and modifying it as needed.

But your build is freakin awesome!
Hi, Fevereon! First of all, I have to bow to your brilliance. I just ran across this thread today, and I went from page one to page seven almost without breathing! You are truly an artist. Bravo! Secondly, if you have the time, I am building an AC2 costume with my wife, for the Texas Ren-Fest, this year... in a month and a half... My wife can sew well, and I can sculpt like a master, so I am confident we can finish in time. I just wanted to invite you to view my thread, if you might be interested. I am having trouble locating references for all the little greeblies, and I posted a pic to show everyone what my goal is. When the costume is finished, I want it to look as good as yours do. Any help you are willing to offer would be humbly accepted. Thankyou!:) This should take you to my thread--->
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