Arkham City Batman New Video Page 4

Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

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Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

Okay- So things I learned from the test print.

1. My iphone 4 camera blows and the suit still pops.

2. I will move the zipper to the back. My partner assumed I wanted it in front and didnt ask.

3. The texture pattern on the arms and legs is alot bigger then the chest. At some point, the templates got too small, and my partner had to stretch them to get them t the right size. We have the properly sized templates now to remedy this.

4. Overall, I am happy with where the seams are falling. I want the move the line under the pecs down a smidge, and move the knees up a few inches.

5. I may darken the arms a bit, but when I get the pattern to the right size, this issue may go away.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

I am going to start a Junk Yard thread and have my GD start on the changes.

If you have any input you would like to give I would love to hear it, and please post in the junkyard if you are interested in getting one.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

I really dig this print- its subtle, and not over the top like a lot of due sub jobs. But, my one question is, would you bet able to offer this without the bat logo at all?
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints


I really want to avoid having multiple versions of the same suit. It is a mistake waiting to happen. It is a lot easier for myself, my partner, and my GD it we only work with one pattern.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

I think once the arms are right it will look great, but I don't know if it is the photos or what, but the chest/abs look like they are for a bigger guy. They don't really look proportionate to me, but maybe it's just me?

Love the color and think this has the potential to be the best cloth suit out there.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

I think once the arms are right it will look great, but I don't know if it is the photos or what, but the chest/abs look like they are for a bigger guy. They don't really look proportionate to me, but maybe it's just me?

Love the color and think this has the potential to be the best cloth suit out there.


Maybe I should pull the seams running down the obliques in just a little bit.

I would also say, the chest and abs on AC bat are pretty huge so a little exaggerated isn't a problem

Got anything else?
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

They look better to me now on my home computer than at my work one. Maybe adjusting the seams would work. The abs just look BIG on you, that may be what I'm seeing. That being said, I would probably be in for one of these in the future.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

Oh, and resizing the pattern of the arms will make a world of difference as well, but you already stated that.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

No worries, makes total sense. Just thought it was worth an ask. Won't stop me from getting one of these in the future :)
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

Okay- revs are in. Waiting on the GD.

Slow time of year for my partner, so turn time on rev 2 should be quick. I ll keep you posted.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

how much would one suit cost? the details looks awesome
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints


There is a link in the junkyard for those interested.

Details are there.
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