Arkham City Batman New Video Page 4


Well-Known Member
Hey guys-

Getting started on my next sub dye project after wrapping up Catwoman.

I am looking for input on the pattern so far and what you guys think.

I have some test prints done on the chest is all the further I am right now.



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Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

You may be right. I should give that a shot and see how it looks.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

Oh damn, I just love that! Looks like it's seen some use! As cool as some other dye-sub projects look, they're all so clean- as if it was Batman's first night out :lol
Yours looks like you stole it from the real Batman! :thumbsup
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

You should maybe look into getting the printed seams embroidered to add to the detail of the suit.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

It looks awesome but I agree a shade lighter might be better and The idea about the seems being embroidered or some other technique to make them pop a bit would put this over the top. I am definately interested in a suit if you are offering one.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

Looks really good! To be true to the B:AC color, it looks like it should be a tad lighter, however phone pics can be deceiving so only you can eyeball that. Looking forward to seeing the finished product, especially with the teaser so far!
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

I must be of the few, I love the darkness of the gray. I've seen a bunch of arkham and other batsuits (including the sub-dyed I have) that I feel is a little too light.

I love the look of the suit and like the others said the rugged worn look. I'm on the fence on the ab definition, I want to suggest a little more of it, but honestly yours looks more like what I'd see on someone with closer to batman abs. Yours don't jump out and take away from the rest of the suit, so I take it back, I love it :)
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

Other than the bat, I think it is really nice. Something I would be interested in as a fan for sure.

Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

Wow that looks great! I'll definitely be interested in this once completed.
The only concern I have is: once the cowl is put on (a reevz Arkham cowl for example), will the neck piece of the cowl cover up some of the top portion of the bat logo? It's hard to tell to be honest.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

I agree with jawa, bigger bat, I like the dark gray to the suit, and I feel if you go lighter you get into the campy gray and blue suit area. Any possibility of seeing reasonable price prints in the junkyard once this is complete?
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

Jawa-Thanks for the info. I see what you mean.

All- Yeah- I will be making a run of these when I get it all figured out. I will be sellling assembled suits all ready to go.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-

Okay- We fixed the bat and I made a run of 4 different test prints with different shades of gray. Please take a look and let me know what you guys think looks the best They go darker to lighter 20-40-60-80 and "10" is the original test print.

Arkham Sub Dye - Imgur

Here is a gallery with all of them.

I hope to get a prototype made in the next few weeks.
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

Really digging "80" although it is a little difficult to tell from the pictures alone.

Will you be doing only the Arkham Alsylum version of the logo or will you also offer the Arkham City version (which I'm very interested in)?
Re: Arkham City Batman sub dye project-need input-test prints

I agree 80 looks good but the bat still looks too small and not right. Just my opinion though
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