Anyone Seen/Heard Link Productions???


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Like it says, I'm looking to see if anyone has talked to him recently...I have a transaction ongoing with him and well, haven't heard back from him since I paid [Oct 4th.]. I was hoping he would get back to me but no go.

Any help in helping me locate him would be most appreciative. Gracias.

Stay safe,


P.S. Mods, if this is posted in the wrong forum, I do apologize.
Thanks Dropshipbob, and yes, it's his boardname.

Thanks again,

Stay safe,


<div class='quotetop'>(dropshipbob @ Oct 20 2006, 07:20 PM) [snapback]1341731[/snapback]</div>
Nope, you're o.k. Tim. Link Productions, is that their board name?