Anyone forge Iron Man armor?

Just curious, but any metal working wizards out there ever try to make an Iron Man suit out of aluminum or any other light metal composite material? Probably impractical but would be pretty kick ass to see.
I've made some armour in the past from metal and aluminum.
my Chainmail only was 20kg and I have worn it for a day tops. and I realise it wont be working for an ironman costume. My Aluminum shoulders took ages to get smooth.. (never will be as smooth as an Ironman custome should be)

although an actual metal Ironman would be the coolest, I think I'll stick to fiberglass, resin and bondo.

If someone is making it I'll tracks his/her thread from beginning to end.! I'd love to see someone actually do it.
I think it would have to be done the same way the create motorcycle tanks and fenders...sections rolled out by hand on an english wheel and welded together then smoothed. Or, casts would have to be made and then someone would have to pay to have metal stamping machines create them, like car body panels.

Im sure it would be incredibly expensive either way, but very cool.

In the end though, someone with sufficient sculpting, fiberglass and paint experience would be able to make something look exactly like metal.

"European 4:1 Anodized Aluminum with Rubber and glow in the dark rubber for effect"
Made by RDragonSpn, posted to The Ring Lord Chainmail Chain Mail Maille Supplies
well you could cold cast some ironman armor, this is where you get powdered metal alloy, usually aluminum and mix it with a clear casting resin and cast you mold, seen some nice pieces done this way.
you know, ive always wondered, what would happen if you melted solder and used it in some kind of mold?
well you could cold cast some ironman armor, this is where you get powdered metal alloy, usually aluminum and mix it with a clear casting resin and cast you mold, seen some nice pieces done this way.

If I'm not mistaken, that is how the 2006- Doctor Who Cybermen were built. Powedered aluminum added to the mix, lightly sanded once cured and then polished.
you can use aluminium it'll look good and aluminium is not that soft metal if you mold all these pieces avarage wiegth will be at least 30 kg. i think this kind of project will be waste of money. let's think you have made all piece with titanium alloy and power supporters hud etc all parts can movable just like movie. you can throw car with your hand so cool right ???but there is no technolgy small like chest piece and that can produce that much electricity. just give that money to save children or something helpful thing
I have a thread on my full steel suit listed. It is more than possible to attain a very accurate suit. There are a few working with aluminum on here as well. My suit however will weigh in around 100-120 pounds but is very functional as armour and is extremely tough. If you decide to build something feel free to ask all the questions you want of me if I can help you I will