Any Sandcrawler kits available in studio scale?


Well-Known Member
Due to the recent launch of Randy Cooper's 1/96 scale (or 2/3 SS) Sandcrawler and the respective threads on this board I am wondering if there is at least one good kit out there that reproduces the ILM Sandcrawler model in its original size?

(I used the search function, unfortunately to no avail)

Any info is appreciated!

Thanks for the info, omes72 - greatly appreciated.

Are there other kits elsewhere? The hunt continues...

Thanks for the info, Julien.

Unfortunately that is not what I would have liked to hear. Studioscalemodeler is down and as far as I understand did Mike cancel the SC project too.

Do not know if this is good or bad news (as far as his reputation is concerned...) though. :confused
Falk, the forum isn't down, but the thread seems to be gone. Sorry to hear it but not surprised, it would be an expensive beast and might have been too marginal. Or was there some grief?


Kudos mate - your building thread is actually the reason why I am thinking about the Sandcrawler at all!

I really like the large studio scale models, the RC kit is neither fish no fowl. I thought I remember there was another one making a full size (SS) replica, not speaking of Mike "studioscalemodeler" Tait.


Huh? I would say it IS down...

Anyway, thank you sirs!

I know of somebody planning to do the shell of the Sandcrawler and then let people add thier own kit parts, but I'm not sure how far off that is. There are a couple of other kits in the pipe line before that one.

I'm sure once this guys decides to do it, he will announce it. Until then, that's all I know.
The Studio Scale Sand Crawler that was being built will doubtfully be finished let alone released as a kit. is gone.
There is a new site
This new site has nothing to do with the old site or its owner, other than the wording is similar. All are welcome as it is my site. Hope to see some familiar names sometime to share their talent.