Any interest in a new Han Solo Scope mount project?

Anakin Starkiller

Master Member
So about a year ago, alot of really good info on the Han Solo ANH blaster scope mount surfaced in this thread

However, as most of you guys already know, the board project to accurately replicate the Han Solo ANH scope mount died when the true identiy of Guy Raz came to light, and so far it appears that no board member has benifitted from the discoveries made at that time except those who bought the new MR Han Solo EE blaster (Just to clarify, I don't mean to emply any slight against the MR Han Solo EE blaster. It is an awesome prop. I just wish there were parts available for those who want to build an accurate blaster for themselves).

So, I guess my question is, Will there ever be an active project on this board to accurately replicate the Han Solo ANH Scope mount and cradel, or is all interest gone?

Can this project be revivied, or did Guy Raz's subterfuge and involvement in the project ruin it for everyone?

I hope not.

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It didn't "ruin" it for me.....if the MG81 suppressor could be totally, accurately machined in steel and a scope cradle machined, I'd be more than interested.....the MR EE is superb, but still way to pricey for my pocket book...and then there's the whole weathering debacle, or lack thereof.
It didn't "ruin" it for me.....if the MG81 suppressor could be totally, accurately machined in steel and a scope cradle machined, I'd be more than interested.....the MR EE is superb, but still way to pricey for my pocket book...and then there's the whole weathering debacle, or lack thereof.

This is a project I wish Boba Debt would pick up, his products were always top notch...
he even had a group buy of 30 mausers a few years ago and we all got a awesome deal.

Well the MG-81 flash supressor might not have died. That project appears to have continued here.

This is a project I wish Boba Debt would pick up, his products were always top notch...
he even had a group buy of 30 mausers a few years ago and we all got a awesome deal.


Nightseed, I agree. It would be great is David did undertake this project. I wish he would, but I know he's been sort of out of the game for a bit, and I don't think he would undertake this project without a show of support from the board, so if you are interested in such a project I would say, make your voices heard. ;)

Yep, the flash supressor project still lives. If fact, it looks like it's finally nearing completeion *knock on wood*

I would LOVE it some one would take up the scope mount project! Please! :thumbsup
Everyone is welcomed to join The project appears to be very much alive and is partly run by one of the Community Guides there, Darkknight0667.