Another Star Ship


That is my greatest honor of all.
I'm hoping that I would be able to keep up the good work to worth for it.

Thank you very much Atlanthia-san

Katsuhiko Fujihira
I am just amazed! when will you have it finished? I am dying to see the final ship!

Thanks for stopping by, Dean-san.
Well, it needs some putty filling and sanding, over all detailing and painting.
I think it's in a month, I hope.

It's the amazing detail to the smallest little detail that makes this thing so amazing!

Thank you very much, NakedMoleRat-san!
All the best.

Very impressive. Your scratch-building skills are mad :D

Thank you, Foxhound-san!

Katsu-san, I love how you do the glass ceilings, they are another little detail that adds so much to the character of the ship. The tubes look great, the lighting and the layers of details help to convey a sense of scale, I have to look back at the early pictures to remember that the ship is only small.
I will echo many of the previous posters, it looks great. One minor quibble though. It's not MINE :cry


Thank you for your kind and warm words.
When it's finished, I would like to invite you to the first star tour.

Best Regards,

Very nice. Bravo

How will you paint it ? Is it designed on removable subassemblies to help on the painting stage ?

Thank you cabour-san
Some of the assemblies are removable for he paint job.
But still I have to mask the prelty of part one by one before paint.:wacko
Please pray with me not to mess it.
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