Another problem with BTTF3


Master Member
So in BTTF3 Marty has returned to 1955. He has explained to Doc off all the events that are to happen with the Delorean being struck by lightning and being sent back to 1885, right?

Well since Marty is talking to the 1955 Doc that has to go throught the next 30 years with that knowledge Doc could either:

1) Put an extra microchip in a secure location inside the Delorean from the get go

2) Not fly in the storm, therfore not getting struck by lightning

3) Not invent the Time Machine to begin with
:rolleyes Don't......... Don't go making sense here Brad... you just killed the whole series for me now.... I, I just can't watch them any more :cry

:lol OK so I lied... I'm too much of a geek not to love the series.
Ok, seriously. Is this a fad all of a sudden? I'm getting tired of posts talking about problems with these BTTF movies that have no intention of actually talking about the problems. I answered one of these questions in another post about why they didn't get gas from the sealed Delorean but everyone ignored that answer and instead just blabbered back and fourth about more and more of the movies' problems. This is just turning the RPF equivalent to a rick roll.
Ok, seriously. Is this a fad all of a sudden? I'm getting tired of posts talking about problems with these BTTF movies that have no intention of actually talking about the problems.

It's very easy not to click on the thread. If you don't like it, don't read it. :rolleyes
Those two Docs are from different timelines. They don't share any knowledge with each other except that which occurs before whatever event cause their timeline to split. Just as the Doc originally DID die when shot. That Doc actually remains dead, even after Marty gives 1955 Doc the letter that warns him, because that is Twin Pines Doc, and the Doc he goes back to ends up becoming Lone Pines Doc.

Because 1885 Doc exists in a part of time that has already been, his knowledge cannot be affected, despite existing on the same personal, linear timeline. That said, when Marty does discuss this with the Doc, he must invariably create at least one new timeline in which the Doc that goes back to 1885 knows he's going to go back there. (Whether he takes any preventative measures is anyone's guess) However, that Doc doesn't exist to the CURRENT Marty, only the Marty that will come to exist from knowing the Doc from the timeline that has seen Marty go back to the future AND back to the past.

That probably didn't make much sense, but it's essentially the hollywood version of the multiverse. I hope something in there was understandable. :lol

It's very easy not to click on the thread. If you don't like it, don't read it. :rolleyes
Or you could answer my question.

As I said, I tried to answer the last threat about the gas, but everyone ignored the answer.
Or you could answer my question.

As I said, I tried to answer the last threat about the gas, but everyone ignored the answer.

As you can read in the thread title "PROBLEM" not "QUESTION", meaning that this a mistake or "problem" with the films and not, "what should have been done". Think of it as a bit of a rant without being a rant.
Those two Docs are from different timelines. -Nick

Not true. Doc specifically lays out the linear timeline of where they are at. The ONLY thing that skewed that timeline is the Biff event.

IF they were on a different timeline, then when Marty went back to 1985 from 1885 that future would be a different future than he originally left from, but it's not.
Not true. Doc specifically lays out the linear timeline of where they are at. The ONLY thing that skewed that timeline is the Biff event.

IF they were on a different timeline, then when Marty went back to 1985 from 1885 that future would be a different future than he originally left from, but it's not.

It is, though! You'll see the proof Nick's discussing above if you look carefully - the Lone Pine/Twin Pines mall sign is different from one 1985 to the other. And of course, there's the completely different McFly family. They changed things - just not as much for the worse as Biff did.
Yeah, the changes could be as slight as "Marty now has a slight shellfish allergy." The changes don't have to be huge, but invariably there WILL be changes and new parallel timelines from ANY interactions people have while traveling back in time or from making any different decisions.

Every time they jump forward in time, after having been in the past, the present or future you are seeing is a different one than the present or future they originally traveled from.

yes, but the film maintains that there is only one timeline, the new REPLACING the old, rather than a new one being created to exist simultaneously.
It's okay to change the future if Marty is better off in the future.

But when Biff did it, it was somehow wrong.

Is it only a matter of degree whether you're allowed to change the future. You can't make yourself stinking rich, but a new 4x4, and a book deal for you Dad is okay.
You could argue that the new only replaces the old for those that exist external to any specific timeline, aka the time travelers.

That's how I've always interpreted it. Not that one timeline is dissolved, but that one becomes the "perceived timeline" while the infinite others become "invisible timelines."

It's essentially how real time travel is theorized to operate, which is why I'm such a fan of it. :p

yes, but the film maintains that there is only one timeline, the new REPLACING the old, rather than a new one being created to exist simultaneously.

Precisely, let me illustrate...

It's okay to change the future if Marty is better off in the future.

But when Biff did it, it was somehow wrong.

Is it only a matter of degree whether you're allowed to change the future. You can't make yourself stinking rich, but a new 4x4, and a book deal for you Dad is okay.

Again, not entirely true. When Marty tells 1955 Doc that his dad "layed out Biff" and that "he has never stood up to Biff before", Doc has a moment of an "oh crap" look on his face, but waives it off because they don't have time to fix it.
Oh - so my thread wasnt good enough to just add to, huh? For SOME reason you needed your own... ; )
Oh - so my thread wasnt good enough to just add to, huh? For SOME reason you needed your own... ; )

Well not to put too fine a point on it, but yes. ;)

Actually I wanted to push as many of the Munson threads out of the OT as I could and replace them with BTTF threads. :lol