Another Captain America TFA Costume thread? You bet!! (NEW PICS!)

Re: Another Captain America TFA Costume thread? You bet!!

This pic shows distressing I did on the straps and padded abdomen

Just a few more details to nail down but i'll probably debut my TFA costume tomorrow. I'll have some pics posted here of the whole build just after Halloween.
Here are some pics of the final results. While a few details aren't exactly accurate, I feel like I captured the spirit of the TFA costume. It was really a blast to do and I'll probably keep tweaking it so it gets better.

I'd like to thank everyone on who contributed directly and indirectly to my build - you guys are awesome!

EDIT: A couple of new pics posted.
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Re: Another Captain America TFA Costume thread? You bet!!

Favorite photo is the last one with the water tower in the background.
I'd have that as a wallpaper on my computer.
Great work on the uniform and the staging of the photo shoot.
Re: Another Captain America TFA Costume thread? You bet!!

Thanks, guys!

I have the advantage of being a producer in the TV/Film business, so I called a couple of my guys who shoot for me to help me out yesterday. The awesome thing is that those pics (with exception of the one with Cat Woman) are stills pulled from footage shot with the RED Epic - some of the stuff is at 300FPS (slow motion) and it looks pretty bad ass.

I have a few more pics from that shoot that I'll post sometime today after they are color corrected.
Re: Another Captain America TFA Costume thread? You bet!!

Hey man, awesome build! How did you end up making the shoulder pauldrons? I'm kinda stuck on that bit. Not sure if I have anywhere near the right measurements, etc.
Re: Another Captain America TFA Costume thread? You bet!!

My build is using the Hello Cosplay costume as a base so those pauldrons were already part of the costume.

I have an extra pauldron set that I received from them (since they messed up some of the customization I asked for on the padded abdomen) that I'm probably going to list in the Junkyard the next couple of days.
Great work! I'm planning to do something similar. Since you actually received a modified base suit from Hello Cosplay, would you mind sharing pics of the back? Also, any chance you could share the customization you asked for in more detail? You mentioned the abdomen area...

Again, great work and I love the pics!
Thanks for the nice comments, guys - it means a lot coming from the TFA community here.

Crusaderman2004 - I've posted the picture here I sent to Hello Cosplay to help them do the customization. Even with this explicit visual reference and a complete written description, they didn't get it right - they ended up sending an all gray padded abdomen under tunic with gray (instead of red straps) that attach to the shoulder piece. I didn't care about that because I was going to replace the straps anyway with military grade webbing (but I did end up using the gray straps they sent to attach the rear star buckle to my suit). After a series of 8-10 emails and more visual references (which are posted here), they finally agreed to correct the problem and send me a new white padded abdomen under tunic with a blue back (you see a little bit of the blue back in a couple of the pictures I posted previously but I'll post a better picture of it here later).

But Hello Cosplay did get the shoulder piece correct to be able to effectively create the "Y" strapping in the back that connects to the star buckle. I posted a pic of how that looks on my suit. Ultimately, there is a bit of language barrier when dealing with them and you just have to be patient. I have to say, the quality of the costume is really good and well worth the price.

EDIT: I added a picture of the customized back.
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Hello Cosplay needs to name this the 'wemustrepeat modification' so that those who are inclined can easily get the same suit mods.
Thanks man! Interesting what they gave you despite your clarity on what you wanted. I was hoping they'd be better with that but I suppose the language barrier doesn't help.

If you have any more pics I'd love to see them. :thumbsup

Thanks for the nice comments, guys - it means a lot coming from the TFA community here.

Crusaderman2004 - I've posted the picture here I sent to Hello Cosplay to help them do the customization. Even with this explicit visual reference and a complete written description, they didn't get it right - they ended up sending an all gray padded abdomen under tunic with gray (instead of red straps) that attach to the shoulder piece. I didn't care about that because I was going to replace the straps anyway with military grade webbing (but I did end up using the gray straps they sent to attach the rear star buckle to my suit). After a series of 8-10 emails and more visual references (which are posted here), they finally agreed to correct the problem and send me a new white padded abdomen under tunic with a blue back (you see a little bit of the blue back in a couple of the pictures I posted previously but I'll post a better picture of it here later).

But Hello Cosplay did get the shoulder piece correct to be able to effectively create the "Y" strapping in the back that connects to the star buckle. I posted a pic of how that looks on my suit. Ultimately, there is a bit of language barrier when dealing with them and you just have to be patient. I have to say, the quality of the costume is really good and well worth the price.

EDIT: I added a picture of the customized back.
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