Andromeda Flexi


Well-Known Member

FLEXI:A flexible plastic computer sheet which is one of the most ubiquitous technologies in known space. Seeing a Commonwealth mentor or All Systems University researcher scribbling notes onto a flexi is a familiar sight to nearly every sentient in known space. It's no wonder. Once written on, the flexi-writer's handwriting is automatically transposed from sloppy handwriting to neat and easy-to-read text. Variations of the flexi are used by nearly every species in the Commonwealth for purposes ranging from instruction to literary composition to gaming. This particular Flexi contains Dylans resignation from the High Guard. Seen in the Season 2 episode "The Things we Cannot Change". What do you think of this replica :)
Here are 2 pictures of the screen used flexi for comparison.

this one is from the collection of Docholl

this one is a screen cap and I do not know who the camera crew who shot this scene to give credit to but great work guys.
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lol Uh Who made that Padd's Graphic.. He seems like a cool She looks sweet. :D

yes, DOOOH - I should give credit where credit is due and I did forget to add on my post that the same person, the LCARS GOD of graphics, a man with amazing talents, who made this particular Andromeda PADD for me is none other than one of the most talented graphics artists I know JOE RALAT. His work can be seen at
lol Its cool. about the credit. I was just trying to jokeing around. What is the padd made from? I like the gold color on the padd.
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I figured as much but you do deserve credit for such great work.

I talked with a collector who has alot of the Andromeda flexis and asked about their construction, the first season was constructed with heavy mylar and later just cheap graphics laminated. the pictured andromeda flexi has 2 sides, I added a back, and is laminated. the gold is a gold krylon paint pen and I am assuming they used the same on the hero prop, it hides the seam where the lamination and graphic meets, smart guys them prop masters.

I was always supprised for a show that was on as long as Andromeda was and a Gene Roddenberry production at that that there were so few props made by prop collectors, I have been only able to find 2 prople who make f-lances, I have prototyped one for myself but that was it.
Yo, Starfighter, next time ask permission instead of ripping-off another persons photo! Bad form, man.
I am sorry it was used just for comparison purposes to the original as originally stated and not a rip off . could have just PM'd me about this though but no problem. thread edited to give credit to you in case the lettering on the lower right corner of the picture is not a dead giveaway.

The screen cap picture well I give credit to the un-named photo crew who shot this sequence whoever they are, where ever they are .
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I am sorry you are having a heart attack over it as it was used just for comparison purposes to the original as originally stated and not a rip off . could have just PM'd me about this though but no problem, will just chalk it up to a bout of keyboard Tourette Syndrome . thread edited to give credit to you in case the lettering on the lower right corner of the picture is not a dead giveaway.

The screen cap picture well I give credit to the un-named photo crew who shot this sequence whoever they are, where ever they are .

You COULD have just PM'ed Docholl and asked if it was cool if you used his pic.

AND you could have just said, "I apologize, and will edit the thread to give you credit" rather than have a heart attack of your own at Docholl because you're embarrassed he publicly called you on using his pic without permission.

Those flexi's look nice though. Not sure why there's not a lot of Andromeda props out there- there were plenty.
you would think a series that made 5 seasons would have just tons of props out there but other than these flexis and a couple of force lance makers there is zero out there and there was alot of printed type props on the series that sould be replicated and weapons and such as well.