(the first 5 will get prizes. )
FIRST PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 14. ( with a whopping 89 votes.)
SECOND PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 15. (with 40 votes.)
THIRD PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 7. (with 22 votes.)
FORTH PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 4. (with 18 votes.)
FIFTH PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 2. (with 8 votes)
SIXTH PLACE IS A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 5 AND 18. (both with 7 votes each, and both will be allowed to choose prizes.)
and #18
EIGHTH PLACE IS ALSO A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 10 AND 20. (both had 5 votes each.)
and #20
NINTH PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 8. (with 3 votes.)
TENTH PLACE IS ALSO A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 9 AND 19. (Both with 2 votes each.)
and #19
ELEVENTH IS ALSO A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 1 AND 6. (both with 1 vote each.)
and #6
I'M TRULY SORRY TO SAY NUMBERS 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, AND 21 GOT NO VOTES AT ALL. (they really were great sabers, and I hope you will all enter again next year.)
I need the top five to post their prize selections in order. (first place posting their 2 prize choices first, then second posting their 1 prize choice, then third their prize choice, and so one.) I will also, need those members to PM me there mailing addresses so that I can give those that donated prizes a place to send them. (Prizes are listed bellow.)
I'm going to leave it up to those who entered weather, or not, they want to declare ownership of their entrees. (aside from the tope five that will have to post, to choose their prizes.)
A huge thank you to all that entered, and those that took the time to vote. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you all did too.
THE PRIZES THE ARE PLAYING FOR: A lot of great folks around here, donated some really great stuff, and I can't thank them all enough.
Some of the donations just go too well together, to pass up, so I've combined some of them in to "sets". These "sets" will count as one prize. That means, even if the person winning first place choose one of these "sets", he, or she, may still choose one other item. If any of these "sets" remain, after the 1st place winner has selected, the other winners may also choose one of these "sets" until they are gone. If you want one of the items in the "set", but not the others, let me know when you select, and I'll separate them out, and the item from the "set" that you don't want, will go back up for grabs. As mentioned in the rules, we will give prizes out, until we run out. I'm sorry, if that winds up being an arbitrarily number, (i.e. if we have 6 prizes, then that means only the top 5 people get something, but if we have 10 prizes, by the time the contest ends, then the top 9 will get something. etc.)
I will continue to except donations throughout the contest, so the prizes listed bellow, are only the ones we have so far. I will try to keep updating the list, when, or if, new prizes are offered, but these are the ones we have for sure.
(In no particular order)
1. A Greflex 3 cell flash, donated by Jediscout, along with your choice of Graflex conversion kits from Blast-tec (yodashouse). You can choose from either of his Luke ANH kits (GX-1 or GX-2 on his site) or his Luke ESB kit (GX-3 on his site). (take a look at
2. Tripoli has donated an Iron Man Arc Reactor paperweight, and Jedifyfe has donated an Iron Man Newspaper,Rollingstone Cover,Forbes Cover, Newsweek Cover, and Ghalmera photo set.
3. Skaught has donated one of his great IG-88 head casts.
4. Hotshot has donated Scout Trooper gloves and resin blaster.
5. Ripcode has donated a Graflex 3-cell Sychronizer Battery Case. (the kind used as the base for the "Holiday special" Luke lightsaber.)
6. Gunnerk19 has donated Burger King ROTS wristwatches, and Jcoffman99 has donated Burger King ROTS cups of various sizes . (the cups are unused .)
I ask that when you consider what prizes you want, when the contest is over, that you please select something you really want, and not just because it's the most expensive. This is not a rule, I would just like to see folks get stuff they will enjoy, rather then taking something someone else wants, only to turn around and sell it. )
(the first 5 will get prizes. )
FIRST PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 14. ( with a whopping 89 votes.)
SECOND PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 15. (with 40 votes.)
THIRD PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 7. (with 22 votes.)
FORTH PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 4. (with 18 votes.)
FIFTH PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 2. (with 8 votes)
SIXTH PLACE IS A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 5 AND 18. (both with 7 votes each, and both will be allowed to choose prizes.)
and #18
EIGHTH PLACE IS ALSO A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 10 AND 20. (both had 5 votes each.)
and #20
NINTH PLACE GOES TO NUMBER 8. (with 3 votes.)
TENTH PLACE IS ALSO A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 9 AND 19. (Both with 2 votes each.)
and #19
ELEVENTH IS ALSO A TIE BETWEEN NUMBERS 1 AND 6. (both with 1 vote each.)
and #6
I'M TRULY SORRY TO SAY NUMBERS 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, AND 21 GOT NO VOTES AT ALL. (they really were great sabers, and I hope you will all enter again next year.)
I need the top five to post their prize selections in order. (first place posting their 2 prize choices first, then second posting their 1 prize choice, then third their prize choice, and so one.) I will also, need those members to PM me there mailing addresses so that I can give those that donated prizes a place to send them. (Prizes are listed bellow.)
I'm going to leave it up to those who entered weather, or not, they want to declare ownership of their entrees. (aside from the tope five that will have to post, to choose their prizes.)
A huge thank you to all that entered, and those that took the time to vote. I had a lot of fun, and I hope you all did too.
THE PRIZES THE ARE PLAYING FOR: A lot of great folks around here, donated some really great stuff, and I can't thank them all enough.
Some of the donations just go too well together, to pass up, so I've combined some of them in to "sets". These "sets" will count as one prize. That means, even if the person winning first place choose one of these "sets", he, or she, may still choose one other item. If any of these "sets" remain, after the 1st place winner has selected, the other winners may also choose one of these "sets" until they are gone. If you want one of the items in the "set", but not the others, let me know when you select, and I'll separate them out, and the item from the "set" that you don't want, will go back up for grabs. As mentioned in the rules, we will give prizes out, until we run out. I'm sorry, if that winds up being an arbitrarily number, (i.e. if we have 6 prizes, then that means only the top 5 people get something, but if we have 10 prizes, by the time the contest ends, then the top 9 will get something. etc.)
I will continue to except donations throughout the contest, so the prizes listed bellow, are only the ones we have so far. I will try to keep updating the list, when, or if, new prizes are offered, but these are the ones we have for sure.
(In no particular order)
1. A Greflex 3 cell flash, donated by Jediscout, along with your choice of Graflex conversion kits from Blast-tec (yodashouse). You can choose from either of his Luke ANH kits (GX-1 or GX-2 on his site) or his Luke ESB kit (GX-3 on his site). (take a look at
2. Tripoli has donated an Iron Man Arc Reactor paperweight, and Jedifyfe has donated an Iron Man Newspaper,Rollingstone Cover,Forbes Cover, Newsweek Cover, and Ghalmera photo set.
3. Skaught has donated one of his great IG-88 head casts.
4. Hotshot has donated Scout Trooper gloves and resin blaster.
5. Ripcode has donated a Graflex 3-cell Sychronizer Battery Case. (the kind used as the base for the "Holiday special" Luke lightsaber.)
6. Gunnerk19 has donated Burger King ROTS wristwatches, and Jcoffman99 has donated Burger King ROTS cups of various sizes . (the cups are unused .)
I ask that when you consider what prizes you want, when the contest is over, that you please select something you really want, and not just because it's the most expensive. This is not a rule, I would just like to see folks get stuff they will enjoy, rather then taking something someone else wants, only to turn around and sell it. )
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