Alien: Resurrection Money

Mike J.

Master Member
The Special Edition 2-disc DVD shows a blurry version of the futuristic money — clearly based on US notes.

So, for the poor and desperate, here it is:


Looks like a decent amount of work went into it, too, for something that's only on screen for a second. I appreciate that. Makes me think of all the cool movie money that gets so little respect:

Total Recall
Back to the Future II (gets some respect now)
Pluto Nash
Blade Runner
Serenity (actually does get some respect in the 'making of' book)

Nice job, actually, im a Photoshop master, if you or anybody can get me a few screencaps, i will be able to work the from and back in the right way.


Div. 6: Yes, the Metropolis money project was finished. I sold a few sets. That was a few years ago. Drew them up in Photoshop. If I were to do it again, I'd use Illustrator, now that I know how. I'm sure somebody here has some notes... Might be time for a Metropolis show-off thread... There's a nice Maria robot model in the General Modeling forum...

Gus: The screencaps will be lower rez than this. You are welcome to try to rebuild it in PS or Illustrator, though.

Here's the bombshell: I just set up our new inkjet printer, and after an unsatisfactory experience at the local Kino's D-I-Y area, I will be printing and selling replica Alien Resurrection notes. They will be one sided, and go for about $5 US per note. I took a lot of time rebuilding the note in Illustrator and Photoshop.

Gus, you are more than welcome to create your own, and given the ref. material, no one can really say this or that is the definative version. Let me know if you get started, because I know a little bit that might save you some time or effort.

As per board policy, do not post here and say "I want to buy those" or something along those lines. As soon as I have printed out my run, I will post a 'for sale' thread in the Junkyard, and a link in this thread.

I'm glad this has some interest :)




And that is all we get, gentlemen.

Doing a test printing here at home, I am not getting the resolution and fine lines I want. Therefore, I am going to get a test print from the laser printer at school on Tuesday. We'll see if that works.
Mmm...good project. What the assumption though? You going to double side with the same pic? Or maybe promote them in bundles like the screen cap with the appropriate bundle tie?


PS. Great work BTW

They're just going to have the 'front' on one side, and some text on the back.

As far as the band goes; I wouldn't be happy drawing one up unless I had more reference material. That tiny text could say anything...

If you want to cut 99 blank pieces of paper and then wrap them, be my guest. Frankly, this thing has caused me enough trouble :) And it ain't even done yet.

Here's the rasterized master:


Well, the common B&W laser printer on campus was not satisfactory...

Frankly, I am running out of options for inexpensive hi-rez output.

Any advice is welcome.

Good news: I've settled on a printing system and made some subtle revisions to the note (so it will look better when printed).

I just scribbled down three more things to tweak, and then it will be ready to print (this Thursday, if I'm lucky).

Disclaimer: This is not an interest thread. I will tell you when something will be for sale. Do not ask in this thread. Do not run with scissors. Point away from face.

Got the black parts of the note printed out nicely; I've still got to add the green details.


Got the green stuff done. Just need to add the text to the backs, then cut them out, then number, and then add the info sheets.

I always did think that the "ONE K" text was a little tacky in the film. Then again, the film itself is rather tacky but I still like it. I liked how they spent so much time in making those fake banknotes for the film. Or do only the top stacks have printing on them? Also, how much money do you think is on that table? If we can calculate how many notes are in a binder, times the number of binders, times the number on the money ($1000), we could see how much the government paid the space pirates for the bodies to breed the aliens in.

Just a thought.
It's 2.4 million. Assuming 100 notes in a stack. Four stacks high x six columns x 1000.

One stack may be full of real, two-sided bills, cause it gets thumbed through. For the rest, probably just one on the top & bottom.
