Alien Mother Key


Master Member
Hey fellas,

I have been thinking for a while about attempting to replicate the key that Dallas & Ripley use to activate Mother.

I intend to replicate the 'data' part of the key in clear-cast resin, but I'm wondering if anyone can ID the handle part, if it is indeed a found item:




Prop measures 16.5" x 16.5"
Originally posted by Gytheran@Apr 11 2006, 11:21 PM
Sounds crazy, but  the red parts appear to be magnets. I'm looking for the proof now. :p

They are magnets, it says in the description :)

The handlepart does look like wood, so maybe it is scratch-built. It reminds meof some kind of tool handle, maybe a hacksaw or similar.
The clear part looks like its SANDWICHED between part of the handle and painted.

THis would be easy to make....
I think the round part in the middle might be part of a dismantled rotary switch like this:


the round insulating disc just above the bottom insulator - finding one the right size might be tricky though.
Where is this description hiding?

It's in Propstore's archives.

"The key to Mother used in the Sigourney Weaver classic Alien. This extremely rare and famous prop can be seen being used by Tom Skerritt as Dallas in a scene near the beginning of the movie as he gains access to Mother by inserting the key in the corridor outside and Sigourney Weaver as Ripley can be seen later on in the film accessing mother with the key just before Ash, played by Iam Holm, attacks her. The prop is made from resin with the handle painted green and the main body being translucent with electronic and metal components cast into it, with four red magnets are attached to one end. The key has been chipped slightly, but this is very minor damage considering itÂ’s age. Measures 12cm x 4.5cm (16.5" x 6.5"). This would be the centrepiece of any collection."
those 5 black rectangle things with the two holes look like the "motor/coil" piece from teh visable V-8 engine. its the same piece thats on the Solo esb blaster, bespin blaster and also the Jabb'a alace blaster (among others)
Originally posted by allosaur176@Apr 12 2006, 02:11 PM
Maybe i'm the only one to think so, but that thing is just horrid    :confused  :eek:

Your not the only one, but a new one might look better. It's like anything else it a product of it's time. Some props age better in design than others.