aging machined aluminium


Master Member
i am putting together some r2 parts but they look too shiney for my taste.

is there anything i could use to dull it down giving a more oxidised look? my droid is going to be weathered so these parts would stick out like a sore thumb.

Any week acid or base will dull it down, don't go overboard or it will start to pit the surface...

If you have something to test, you can try a watered down dilution of bleach, a watered down solution of ammonia, tomato juice, vinegar... In either case let the part soak and continue to check it's progress...

Depending on the size of the part and the look you're after, how about giving it a shot of "Dullcote" from Testors? It will definitely take the sheen off. Possibly sanding out the machined marks with some 400 grit sandpaper in an orbital random motion also would help.
If you're going for a very grungy look, get some aluminum black finish (usually used to repair gun finishes) and rub it on lightly with a cutip.
Use Zebo black grate polish, it was used on the Cold Cast Cybermen from the new series of Dr Who and it works great, it dulls the shine and adds 'dirt' in any corners or edges :thumbsup
thanks for your suggestions guys, i dont think i want to coat the parts in a dullcoat though

never heard of that grate polish, sounds promising. like the idea it leaving some grime in the corners, i think ill test some parts with the bleach etc..

oh ive just thought of something, that wonderwheels cleaning stuff, thats acidic and stings the hands after a while, it states on the instructions not to put it on shiney polished areas (got some in the garage) mmmmmmm

now which parts to test:unsure

zorg-I know you probably are going to do this anyways but could you please post a before/after pic? I want to weather some aluminum also and am curious to see how it turns out. Sorry for making you look like the guinea pig.
just try it on a spare bit of ally if you have some, if you cant get the Zebo shoot me a PM I have a tube sat here doing nothing (obviously its doing nothing, its a tube of polish) :lol
i found some mountain bike machined alu parts that are surplus to requirements in my garage, im going to try the tests on them. they look ideal test pieces.

they have machining marks on them just like the r2 parts, i dont really want that either so ill probably have to sand those off.

i did try the mouse sander on my r2 dome with a scotch pad attachment, that seemed to give a nice dull finish.

ill see what i can do with the pics:cool

again thaks for your input and help.
