A Terminator reboot.....say WHAT???

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Considering the mess they made of this franchise, perhaps it's now time to inject a bit of fresh blood into it instead of continuing on after the recent efforts.
Considering the mess they made of this franchise, perhaps it's now time to inject a bit of fresh blood into it instead of continuing on after the recent efforts.
Actually, as I keep saying... all they gotta do is ignore any of the sequels and then continue from T1, not have ANY terminators sent back in time, but have the story progress chronologically with the aftermath of the nuclear war and the battle for survival.

Continuing to add to that drivel that is T3 and T4 is just as insane and idiotic as rebooting things.

T2 was just a dream... a mind experiment... Sarah had when being locked up in the insane asylum.

I'm still waiting for the movie showing what Reese is talking about all-throughout T1.
I gotta find the contact information for that right's owner... can't believe they aren't even considering the most logical solution. What the heck are they thinking shooting left and right when the answer is right there in the first movie! **** the rest and tell that story Reese talks about.
Actually, as I keep saying... all they gotta do is ignore any of the sequels and then continue from T1, not have ANY terminators sent back in time, but have the story progress chronologically with the aftermath of the nuclear war and the battle for survival.

Continuing to add to that drivel that is T3 and T4 is just as insane and idiotic as rebooting things.

...but could you actually remake sequels? I agree with you T3 and T4 (more so T4 as I find T3 enjoyable enough) but actually working straight off of an original film and completely disregarding 3 sequels doesn't sound right to me especially when T2 was as successful as it was. Perhaps flashbacking to T2 would help but mixing both original and reboot doesn't quite sit right with me either. It's either a continuation of what we have (hoping they can save the franchise as it stands at the mo) or it's a full reboot from scratch. And to be honest...I don't know what idea I prefere! :unsure
...but could you actually remake sequels? I agree with you T3 and T4 (more so T4 as I find T3 enjoyable enough) but actually working straight off of an original film and completely disregarding 3 sequels doesn't sound right to me especially when T2 was as successful as it was. Perhaps flashbacking to T2 would help but mixing both original and reboot doesn't quite sit right with me either. It's either a continuation of what we have (hoping they can save the franchise as it stands at the mo) or it's a full reboot from scratch. And to be honest...I don't know what idea I prefere! :unsure
Superman Returns disregarded Superman 3 and 4 pretty easily. The fact that it wasn't a good film is another matter.

T2 doesn't really work in the context of T1... also, you don't HAVE to make it a remake of T2-T4. Just go straight to the future war and just not reference anything from those movies and rely solely on what Reese told Sarah and the cops in T1. No need to wave a big sign saying T2-T4 is being ignored... just concentrate on the T1 stuff and make that movie. Seeing as we are dealing with alternative universes anyway - which was brought on by T2... then they can do ANY film they want in any of the timelines already seen.

T1 is a closed story - I want a continuation of THAT timeline and they can do that without invalidating any of the other movies... they are just alternate universe stories to T1 anyway... so not part of that timeline. T2 was an off-shoot from T1, sure... but I don't want to see the continuation of that timeline, as we saw the future glimpse that produced in the deleted scenes.

T3 & T4... I don't even wanna waste more time commenting on those. Those are so far removed they are not even funny.
Well one thing is for sure....if they do actually reboot Terminator, it'll bring with it a whole load of new props to play with! :cool:thumbsup

Having said that, if they do reboot it....what will the T-800s end up looking like? I'm up for most reboots but I firmly believe that some things are just too iconic to change....the endo skeletal T-800 being one of those things.

Other examples of things that are too iconic to change........

Jaws: Bruce the Shark
Alien Movies: The Giger-esque alien design

....and SWS' Termi T-800 is sooo in this category.

Hmmmmm....curious to see what happens in the end. :confused

I'm not hopeful. Any new news I've heard makes me feel they keep digging themselves further and further away from the source, which is T1. It's just a shame.
Well one thing is for sure....if they do actually reboot Terminator, it'll bring with it a whole load of new props to play with! :cool:thumbsup

Having said that, if they do reboot it....what will the T-800s end up looking like? I'm up for most reboots but I firmly believe that some things are just too iconic to change....the endo skeletal T-800 being one of those things.

Other examples of things that are too iconic to change........

Jaws: Bruce the Shark
Alien Movies: The Giger-esque alien design

....and SWS' Termi T-800 is sooo in this category.

Hmmmmm....curious to see what happens in the end. :confused


You can add Robocop to that list and we've all seen the hideous new suit, I totally agree with you that some things just shouldn't be changed, trouble is these days they inevitably are!
It doesn't implode until it has destroyed everything good first.

So... when are we starting the RPF movie making production company?
All I ever wanted was to see Kyles vision of the future war. As a kid I was scared by the thought of it all, sequels destroyed the fear that made the first so worrying to me. I want my Terminators commiting genocide not asking ' why do you cry'.

I want them to look like this and not what we got in T4

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