A few weapons I made for a sci-fi short...

This is really cool, the pistol looks like something from Mass Effect universe with D9 paint job.

But still completely original. Again, very cool.

(Are there going to be more things coming out of that mold?)
There were actually 4 pistols in total. The other three were painted a metallic blue of sorts, as they were supposed to be police/security issue. The one shown here was going to be the only one to have any close up shots so I thought it would be interesting to differentiate between it and the others in hopes to get across the idea that it was received through illegal means, and perhaps it's an earlier and long forgotten model without having to actually build a whole new weapon.

Have the mold also affords me the ability to cast up my own somewhere down the line :)
Those are very inspiring! I think I'm definitely going for the red/white color scheme for some weapons I'm making! Love the weathering!

Details like this are fantastic - the way to communicate auto, semi and safety graphically in a new way without spelling out the words is really what makes weapons like these work in their own universe.

You do fabulous work man, bravo
Thanks! Graphics like that were just on a whim, didn't have time to think but I guess in retrospect I thought right!

I have yet to see anything from the film yet. Last I heard it was all edited together and the CGI guys and music and sound guys were working on it. I am pretty eager to see how it all looks in motion.
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