995 police ground car


Master Member
So, I got a second matchbox version of deckards sedan today, and my very first thought was to repaint it, add some little sirens, and make it into the black and white police ground car.

So I begin to sift through my reference photos and magazines. I can only find one photo of the black and white police sedan posted over at bladezone.


It seems like I have seen others, but I can't find em.

Any help would be very appreciated. Thank you. :D
I'm sure that the "Blade Runner" cars were made by ERTL. The set I bought had four cars, two blue Police Spinners, Decards car, which is brown/bronze color, and another car which is orange. This last one is suppose to be based on one of the model cars in the flying scenes.

They really are not that detailed, I was always hopeing the Johnny Lightning would do them for their Hollywood on Wheels line, but barring a miricle, that will never happen now.

Thanks for the link Nick, I was hoping for on set pictures but if this is all there is, then this is all I'll need. ;)

Yeah, it was ERTL not matchbox, you are correct. I guess since I've never seen the boxes for them, I just never really put that together. :D

Thanks again guys.
<div class='quotetop'>(Noeland @ Sep 18 2006, 01:20 PM) [snapback]1321974[/snapback]</div>
I guess since I've never seen the boxes for them, I just never really put that together. [/b]
Here's how the set of four looks, boxed.



(Found these images online. If the owner would like them removed, please PM me and I'll take them down.)

Thanks, Pilot, for hosting. :thumbsup