4th doctor sonic screwdriver


Active Member
i am making a 4th doctor sonic screwdriver and was wondering which is the best one to buy any advice would be helpful
and if any one has dimensions of the 4th sonic that would help cause i may build my own if i cant find a good one to buy.
The most accurate one ever made was TimeLordsPockets last run. Unfortunately though, he hasn't been selling any for a while now. The next best version is RussRep who is a member here. Not anywhere near as accurate as the TLP version, but really really nice nonetheless.
I think that is the one I made. The good news is, if you have access to a lathe it is very easy to make a very convincing looking one for yourself. Now my version is far from being the most accurate on the planet but if you can glean anything from what I have on my webpage, then by all means glean away...

Home Made Sonic Screwdriver

like I said - not super accurate. On the otherhand it is convincing enough for someone to steal my pictures for their blog on cool sci-fi toys - so if you do make one yourself you will be very happy with it! That I know for sure.

Top 10 Gadgets We’d Love to Have (But Can’t) | Fandomania

and lastly when I found that I found this page

File:Sonic Screwdriver.jpg - TARDIS Index File, the Doctor Who Wiki

which may also be of help to you in your build. Good luck!