3p0 and tc-14 goodness


Sr Member
I love the smell of metalizing in the morning... Smells like victory. :lol

Just got a box of finished pieces in the mail. They came out better than I expected. The finish is absolutely gorgeous, I really love it. The finished heads should look awesome with the metal eyes and plated greeblies too. At least now I can start on my TC-14 protocol droid. :D

I need to take some better pics in the daytime, but here is a small teaser. :)

Basically there is no prep work involved. Just wipe off the plastic and wrap up the heads.

The ABS takes the metalizing quite well, very smooth finish. Of course if there is any debris or blemish on the plastic then those flaws will show up. The finish on these heads is top notch IMO. Better than my first 3p0 head...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyperdyne @ Dec 1 2006, 06:24 PM) [snapback]1369754[/snapback]</div>
Basically there is no prep work involved. Just wipe off the plastic and wrap up the heads.

The ABS takes the metalizing quite well, very smooth finish. Of course if there is any debris or blemish on the plastic then those flaws will show up. The finish on these heads is top notch IMO. Better than my first 3p0 head...

Very nice finish. You say ABS but the details look quite sharp. So the shells were vac-formed in ABS and then details like the circular part on back is cast resin?

Also, can you share who did the vac-metalizing? Thanks.
Yeah I cast the back piece and the "horeshoe" piece separately. The shell is vacformed ABS. You lose a small amount of detail by vac forming but they still come out really well. The building and assembly take quite a bit of work as for prep work but the plastic just needs to be cleaned. I use rubbbing alcohol to clean just about everything. I did have to do some light sanding where I join the horeshoe piece but that's it for prep work.... it's the assembly that takes a while.
Great looking heads...

Hey Cal, this reminds me that you still have the eyes and other machined parts set aside for me :lol

Any news reg. offering plated heads?

Markus :)
Excellent looking heads..
I'm not familiar with metalizing. So, is there a reason the head was not metalizing in 1 piece (the 2 halves assembled)?
And if you don't mind, about how much is the cost for the metalizing?
Vacuummetalising is an art of itself. Good preping is the first step and using a reputable metaliser is very important. If they don't have the right equipments, a great final products cannot be achieved.

Usually metaliser will charge by the batch - depending on how many they can put on a rack. So it is more cost-effective to metalise a few versus just one.

Great job Moncal.
