2-1B Surgical Droid

thanks :)

I have also modded the angle on the neck and now It looks even better in the cabinet :

Look how It was before with the straight clear bottle. It was too clean.

Anyway You can see it with this comparison pic showing more presence with the neck now with a better angle :
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any electronic gurus on here that could suggest a way to dim the leds a bit more?

they are warm white jobs.

would different spec resistors dim them down?

It's me again :D

To finish my to 2-1B display, I wanted something original.
So I made a custom display stand to simulate a mechanical stuff inside the neck.
It seems to be a part of the droid head :

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I was excited to receive my Zorg kit yesterday before I headed to work. I had a half-hour to get some things done, so I went to town.

This morning I resumed work. Drilled-out the mic grooves, installed the eyes, painted some more, augmented my Rub n Buff job, installed aluminum in the Alice band, and added the wires/tubing.

man there are a lot of fast workers out there!, the cutting out of the mic grill slats can be a tricky job.

thanks for the led tip :thumbsup
Man, these all look fantastic. I think I have an empty spot in my collection right next to my threepio head that needs to have one of these guys in it.

How difficult is it to find the correct microphone shell? I'm seeing several on ebay but they are all quite different. Do we have a model number?
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Search on eBay for "Shure 55" - you can use either the Shure 55sh (which Zorg used for his original sculpt and has no hole for the tube) or the Shure 55s (which was used on the original droids in the film and has the tube hole and HML text).

There are loads of both on eBay - the trick is finding one for a good price. I've been watching eBay for a few weeks now looking for a decent deal and finally snagged a vintage 55s (even though it was listed as a 55sh) for £37 ($60). As soon as it arrives I'll be starting on this guy. :thumbsup
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Thanks for the model number info.

My castings do have the hole for the tubing, incase anyone is going for cast rather than metal mic.
Mine was a Shure 55SW, and was correct with the HML stamp on it.

They're readily available, but not for cheap. Be prepared to spend 70-100$. If lucky... less, but not as likely.
Got my Shure mic through yesterday and so started the process. Head is now trimmed and drilled, with the resin mic cut off/out. Got to cut down the Shure yet (scary!). Went to Halfords with some reference images and picked up Ford Glacier Blue and Citroen Mediterranean Blue to combine for the paint. One question - how are people attaching the Shure mic part to the head? 2 part epoxy overlapping the inside edges of the mic?
If anyone interested I got some hollow copiesin resin of my original shure!
never seen that picture before, you can see the 3 light holes around the central eye "tubes"

any moar?
I think I have one or two more... I'll look today.

I have one or two of the sculpt in progress in high res... want that too?
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