$15 REWARD: Help me search! I'm after a cheap copy...


Sr Member
...of this sword.

WKC-Military swords, Online Shop - General King saber | German Ceremonial swords.

Now, the pricetag is a little high...so I'm not too interested in that. This is a very special item to me - so the sword needs to be exactly like this one, but I believe the original was a knockoff of the sword listed above. Brass instead of gold accents, etc.

I've scoured the internet for one of these under $200, but I can't even find one for less than 200 Euro. It is important to me that I find one of these, but I'm not willing to pay out the nose for it.

Help me RPF, you're my only hope!

Thanks for the help, guys.
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Re: Help me search! I'm after a cheap copy...

Would a reward help? $15 to anyone who gives me a link with this sword for less than $200.
Only a few places on the internet sell that sword, I'm a sword collector and own one of these, but you won't find it anywhere on the internet for less than $495 USD
I know it. I'd be interested in purchasing one, but not for that price.

Hence the reward. I've looked all over - it doesn't need to be that same sword, but if it was a knockoff that looked like it from two feet away, or something...
Thanks, Hogosha, but I'm looking for an exact replica. You know, like a cheap ripoff of Excalibur, or something like that - cheap, but looks the part.
Pretty darn close, exoray. You're in the running if we can't find a white-grip version. ;)
I don't want the real thing. It'd be strange to have a weapon that an SS officer might have carried...

Slave1, that might be the way I'll go. I sent off an email to the manufacturer asking about substituting white grip material.
It's close, that's true. However, it has a Swastika on it, so I'm kinda...iffy, you know?

The one I'm after is the World War I model. The black-gripped one is the closest so far.

It seems that there are two different types of saber here - a WWI version with an eagle or crossed swords on the base of the basket, and a WWII version with the Nazi Eagle and Swastika on it. I'm after a WWI version.

So, I'm thinking I might get a repro with a black leather grip and swap out the grip material for a white leather. What do you guys think? Doable? Or should we keep searching for a white grip one?

Also, a lead: A Bolivian Officer's Lionhead Sabre

This appears to be a vintage version with a white grip - one which I wasn't sure existed.

Let's see what we can find!