$10 for Q&A with Mark Hamill -Nov 6 Jedi Screening Paramount Lot


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$10 for Q&A with Luke Skywalker -Nov 6

It’s times like this I wish I lived back in California. California State Parks is holding a special screening of movies filmed on location in its parks, Return of the Jedi, is one such movie. The movie will be shown and then a special Q&A with actor Mark Hamill who played Luke Skywalker in the film, a rare treat. Tickets to the even, held on the Paramount lot, are just $10 each.
The event happens Saturday, November 6 at 1:30 pm. Return of the Jedi featured scenes shot in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park/Patrick’s Point State Park and Grizzly Creek Redwoods State Park for the Endor scenes.
Event page: [California State Parks]
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Billy Dee Williams too?

They need to learn to spell his name properly.

Saturday, November 6th
12:30PM - Autograph signing with Billie D. Williams
1:30 PM - Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi (Running time: 134 min.), followed by Q&A with Mark Hamill
4:30 PM - MASH (Running time: 116 min.)
6:30 PM - Q&A with Elliott Gould
7:00 PM - Intermission
8:00 PM - M*A*S*H (2 TV Episodes)
9:00 PM - Q&A with actors William Christopher (Father Mulcahy) and Jeff Maxwell (Igor, the Cook), Charles S. Dubin (director), Gene Reynolds (co-creator), Burt Metcalfe (producer), Dr. Walter Dishell (medical advisor), and Ken Levine (writer).

The Paramount Theater
The Studios at Paramount
5555 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038
Woulda been even cooler if they'd gotten Gould and Sutherland both. I'd have had to try and get an autograph for my dad. It's sad that the only mash folks remember is the watered down tv show.
Woulda been even cooler if they'd gotten Gould and Sutherland both. I'd have had to try and get an autograph for my dad. It's sad that the only mash folks remember is the watered down tv show.

goulds a great signer TTM , but sutherland not so much. I have his on my MASH items but want him on anything from the Dirty Dozen.