1:1 R2D2 building from scratch - Just about done!

Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Has been a lot of progress this week, the body frame is now done, finally!

Yesterday's progress:
Cut out room for the beams on the side (on 1/4) and cut out the inside of the remaining 2 (and made 1 more shoulder flange)

Todays progress:
I have just cut out rooms for the beams on the remaining 3 rings and cut the beams out. And of course mounted it all together.

Got a lot of cracks, although the frame is being hold together very well. I think the screws were a bit long, but too late to change.
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Looks great so far! I had the same issue with cracking - drove me NUTS! Be sure to pre-drill a hole (with a counter-sink area for the screw to settle just below the surface) into the wood before screwing. Also, you're almost certain the wood will crack if you screw too close to the edge. If you can, leave 4-6 inches of length on the vertical pieces, drill the hole, screw in place and then cut the piece(s) of wood to length. :)

Again, great progress so far!
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

If I knew that before I started I would certainly have done it, but now I don't got enough beams to start all over with the frame.. But if it breaks somehow I don't have a choice, although I thinks it's solid enough.
So as long as the structure is stable I will try to use this one. One positive thing is that I made the 4 holes on the side of the rings so tight that the cracks don't got room enough to expand more, yet.

Thanks, for the tip too! :)

Won't be a lot of many big utdates like the frame build in the near future because now I just got to deal with a few details, like make the bottom for the center leg etc.

For the ankle, is it easier to make with HIPS than to sand down glued together pieces of MDF?

Btw, just saw your Millennium Falcon, I loved it! Stunning details and an amazing build, keep it up! ;)
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

I am hugely impressed at the quality of this build, seriously great work. THEN i find out you're 16, you sir have gone way up in my estimations, awesome AWESOME build (one of my most coveted item to own) subscribed to this thread without a moments hesitation. keep up the good work, lookin' forward to seeing more!
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

If I knew that before I started I would certainly have done it, but now I don't got enough beams to start all over with the frame.. But if it breaks somehow I don't have a choice, although I thinks it's solid enough.
So as long as the structure is stable I will try to use this one. One positive thing is that I made the 4 holes on the side of the rings so tight that the cracks don't got room enough to expand more, yet.

Thanks, for the tip too! :)

Btw, just saw your Millennium Falcon, I loved it! Stunning details and an amazing build, keep it up! ;)

Thanks for the kind words! It's been tremendous fun so far! And the quad is almost finished. You wouldn't believe the amount of trial and errors I've experienced and still continue to experince during my build! I'm sure these guys and gals are sick of me by now with all the questions - Fuzznal can be brutal! ;)

R2 is looking is really good so far! How are you going to tackle the body?
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

...For the ankle, is it easier to make with HIPS than to sand down glued together pieces of MDF?

Hi Kev,

I've ALWAYS wanted to build an R2... but I don't know what you're asking so I'm not sure what part you're refering? Can you be more specific? :)
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Bubble085 and Haystack Hair, thanks for the compliments. It's really a lot more motivating to make the R2 with such a support, counts for you too SofaKing01! :D

The body is fine, and doesn't seem to have any further structural issues at all and holds perfectly together.
Subscribed to the Millennium Falcon now, I'm looking forward to see the quad done, great and keep it up! I'm sure that all the problems and interruptions in your build will be worth it at the end. :)

Sure, pictures of the R2D2 leg(s) with the ankle makred in red:

r2 leg 1.JPGr2 leg 2.jpg

Btw, after the Millennium Falcon you should take on an R2D2 build yourself, totally worth it :)
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

I started with piece of PVC pipe and cut it down to size then glued a piece of styrene to cover the angle. I then glued the entire piece to my wooden leg. Hope I've explained it clearly enough. Good luck with your project, it's looking good.
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Great job, I can't wait to see this completed. Would love to build my own someday.
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Thanks to both of you! The truth is that I have never actually worked with wood before, at least not made anything.
If you start by diving into deep water, you quickly learn how to swim (hopefully) ;)

The two rings below the dome is now cut out, but the center will also be taken out.

My half-finished 1:16 Tiger tank in steel at about 12 kg (about 26 pounds) works as a great counter-weight while cutting.

About 45-50 degrees, is supposed to be 37. So every details isn't perfect, but will go unsuspected hopefully.

I found this a lot quicker and easier than using a chisel. But on the side of the shoulder/leg I have to use a chisel.

No, the holes aren't that straight yet, will be fixed with a file as soon as I get one.

An overview over the actual progress. Please note that the two dome rings were made after this picture was taken.

A couple of shoulder flanges, the skirt, center leg and bottom of center foot is all that's left with the wood, not that much! :D

I have noticed that a lot of people want to make their own R2D2. My tip: do it, it's totally worth it! Sure, it cost a bit money and take some time, but it's very rewarding and a product to be proud of.
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Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

I am SO impressed! Not only with your project but your overall attitude! :) Stay positive and keep moving forward. Amazing job so far! Keep those pics coming!
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Thank you, such great answers is why I stay so positive! :)

In the next week the plan is to get the two dome rings as identical as possible (same for the shoulder flanges) and finish off the center foot. Maybe start on the skirt.

I will start to paint the white parts in the first weekend, perhaps multiple layers of paint is needed.

In order to paint the booster covers with the new blue paint I have to get rid of the old one, took quite a while.

2 days with some R2 work equals some saw dust

All parts are now inside the house instead of the shack, to get rid of all possible moisture before painting.
The dome is wrapped in a blanket, because it catches surface-rust even inside. Basically a desperate attempt, haha.
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

I can't believe you are only 16!! You have a lot of skill. keep up the good work.
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

LOOKS GREAT! Before you paint be sure to primer. I use RustOleum primer / filler. It can be found in most automotive sections of WallMart or misc car parts stores. The primer / filler allows you to spray a little heavier in areas that might need more attention and then sand to a smooth finish. It works wonders on MDF! Remember, sanding is the key to a great finish. :)


Loos great so far!
Re: 1:1 R2D2 homemade scratch build

Thanks, I will continue and keep it up! :)

I though primer were needed only if you are using a spray-can? Or do I need it even though I use a brush/small roll and a paint can?

If I do I will be sure to get some after school tomorrow, when picking up some PVC-tubes as well, for the ankle. If they sell short tubes, I can't ride my bike home with 1 or 2 meter PVC-tube..

One last thing Sofaking, is the color of the priming important? The R2 should be clear white, so I should choose that color?
Primer colors available at my local hardware-store: grey, matt black, clear black, matt white, clear white, silver
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