1:1 Millennium Falcon Cockpit Replica - Group Build

Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Sofaking i hope these two helps a bit better with the mysterious roof gears. Plus more detailed view on the ESB extensions. Came straight from the making of ESB.


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Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

FOUND IT! http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/10/15/udupejen.jpg
A link by KYUZO (I apologize for jacking your post, but very relevant to this thread) in the "MPC Millennium Falcon Conversion" thread. Lots of other great Falcon info in this link: STAR WARS: The Millennium Falcon

EDIT: and thanks Robert Brown

SWEET! I've not seen the entire page - just different pieces. Buit gee whiz... NOW you find it?! ;)

Here is a high resolution copy of that page. I hope it helps. It shows that the windows call for perspex and the light bars are opal perspex (held in with your nemesis; the evil Formica!) [upper right shows the technique]. I guess we can say you were on the right track with the Formica, it looks like the panels may have been skinned with it.

Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

There does seem to be an inconsistency between the interior and outside views... I think any differences between your build and the original sets are unnoticeable until pointed out and probably unavoidable due to multiple sets being involved for the filming. I absolutely don't think it's a problem. If it ever comes up in conversation just say "I made a lot of special modifications myself" ;)

Hi C,

There is an incredible amount of inconsistency between the exterior prop and the interior prop. I'm assuming the exterior didn't need to be exact because there was so little screen time - which makes sense. One of the most obvious for me is how thin the vertical beam is on Han's side - not only that - look how short the cockpit is:

Shadow of Reflection: Movie Screencaps R-S: Click image to close this window

From the interior, they are more then 4" wide - especially with all the greeblies / window channels

The other larger and much more difficult question to answer is the transtion between the cockpit frame work (which is what I have built) and the outer skin. Starkiller estimated ~10" of space between the interior cockpit panels and the exterior skin. That's a HUGE space. If that is the case... how do we account for the 3.5" tall horizontal beams that extend to the top of the cockpit? For all intent and purposes - those same horizontal beams would HAVE to extend another 1-2 feet to reach the 10" needed for the space between the panels and skin. Even the blueprint above shows an inconsistency between the the frame and skin. The nose / canopy is skinned but the angled panels back beyond the door to the hallway are not. You can see an outline of what appears to be the outer skin in Elevation AA (upper lft corner)... again... the Ship of Riddles...

But you do make absolute perfect sense... "...I made a lot of special modifications myself..."

- - - Updated - - -

It looks to me like it's the exterior skin, made from something thin and flexible enough that it can just be wrapped onto the curved surface after all the detailing has been done (the detail does seem to be the same sort of paneling texture that we see on the outside of the cockpit). Could be a nice easy method for doing the skin.

At first I thought it was the cockpit door - but it was too wide. Then I thought it could be a mold for the top canopy plexi... but I think you're right. I think it's for the outer skin. But the prop we're looking at is the one used for the interior shots... so confusing...
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Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Even as a kid, I always found it hilariously unconvincing when Han says "This one goes here. That one goes there!" I could always tell he was just an actor saying vague bull**** about phoney machinery.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

have you guys ever heard of flexible mdf one side is smooth and the other has regularly spaced channels that allow the material to be bent into any shape

Flexible Plywood and MDF from Creffields

GOOD STUFF! I wish the local home improvement stores carried this! It would make my life SO MUCH easier... in terms of the build...

- - - Updated - - -

Sofaking i hope these two helps a bit better with the mysterious roof gears. Plus more detailed view on the ESB extensions. Came straight from the making of ESB.


Hi A,

WOW! These are GREAT images - thank you for posting! This will really help once I get started on the panels
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Here is a high resolution copy of that page. I hope it helps. It shows that the windows call for perspex and the light bars are opal perspex (held in with your nemesis; the evil Formica!) [upper right shows the technique]. I guess we can say you were on the right track with the Formica, it looks like the panels may have been skinned with it.

View attachment 243551

BLAST that dreaded Formica! Oh how it haunts me so!

Interesting find with the Formica. It makes sense - light weight, thin, etc... But I really hate that stuff! lol

Thank you posting the high rez image. Definately helps!

- - - Updated - - -

Even as a kid, I always found it hilariously unconvincing when Han says "This one goes here. That one goes there!" I could always tell he was just an actor saying vague bull**** about phoney machinery.

Really? I thought the complete opposite. Ticked off, inconvenienced, woman problems, best friend can't put his dang ship back together...
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Really? I thought the complete opposite. Ticked off, inconvenienced, woman problems, best friend can't put his dang ship back together...

Yeah, it's because he didn't mention a function or name. His words were like pantomimes "this" "here" "that" "there".
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Yeah, it's because he didn't mention a function or name. His words were like pantomimes "this" "here" "that" "there".

Remember... Chewie grunted something. So we can only assume Chewie had it wrong...
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

That scene always seemed realistic to me because that's exactly how my great uncle or my dad give directions when fixing cars. There's a certain breed of mechanically inclided person who assumes you know exactly what part they mean when they point and shout (and woe unto you if you don't figure it out fast.)
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

The rest of the trilogy is full of technological sci-fi jargon, so it was unusually scant in that scene. Even the trooper who picks up the ring in the desert knows enough to say it belongs to a droid. He didn't just say "Look sir, a thing".
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

The rest of the trilogy is full of technological sci-fi jargon, so it was unusually scant in that scene. Even the trooper who picks up the ring in the desert knows enough to say it belongs to a droid. He didn't just say "Look sir, a thing".

LOL! Yeah... but everybody knew/knows that it's a muffler bearing!
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

I wanted to repost this major concern to see if you guys can make sense of it all. I said in a previous post...

"The other larger and much more difficult question to answer is the transtion between the cockpit frame work (which is what I have built) and the outer skin. Starkiller estimated ~10" of space between the interior cockpit panels and the exterior skin (this might be because of the extensive work he's done to make the interior fit the exterior and vice versa). That's a HUGE space / gap to deal with. If that is the case... how do the 3.5" tall (not length) horizontal beams transition to the top of the cockpit / canopy without changing the outline of the nose cone?

For all intent and purposes - those same horizontal beams would HAVE to extend another 1-2 feet to reach the 10" needed for the space between the panels and skin. Even the blueprint above shows an inconsistency between the frame and skin. The nose / canopy is skinned but the angled cockpit panels to include beyond the door into the hallway are not skinned. You can see an outline of what appears to be the outer skin in Elevation AA (upper lft corner)...

Also, I JUST noticed that the overhead view (lower lft) shows the cockpit being smaller than the hallway frame. Yet, it appears that the canopy is skinned...

Once again... the Ship of Riddles... :)

I'll figure it out... but it does beg to ask all the question(s). It is VERY confusing.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

I'm sorry if someone else already posted this about your issue with bending the thin material but have you thought of using polystyrene it bends easy and if you hit with the heat gun you can even create smooth curves and it comes in varying thicknesses and sheet sizes.

Again sorry if this was already mentioned I didn't take the time to read everything that has been suggested but this is a huge forum one worthy of such a large build ^___^ anyway best of luck to you the work you've done already is looking freaking sweet.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

I wanted to repost this major concern to see if you guys can make sense of it all. I said in a previous post...

"The other larger and much more difficult question to answer is the transtion between the cockpit frame work (which is what I have built) and the outer skin. Starkiller estimated ~10" of space between the interior cockpit panels and the exterior skin (this might be because of the extensive work he's done to make the interior fit the exterior and vice versa). That's a HUGE space / gap to deal with. If that is the case... how do the 3.5" tall (not length) horizontal beams transition to the top of the cockpit / canopy without changing the outline of the nose cone?

For all intent and purposes - those same horizontal beams would HAVE to extend another 1-2 feet to reach the 10" needed for the space between the panels and skin. Even the blueprint above shows an inconsistency between the frame and skin. The nose / canopy is skinned but the angled cockpit panels to include beyond the door into the hallway are not skinned. You can see an outline of what appears to be the outer skin in Elevation AA (upper lft corner)...

Also, I JUST noticed that the overhead view (lower lft) shows the cockpit being smaller than the hallway frame. Yet, it appears that the canopy is skinned...

Not sure about how it would actually be built, but I can send some more reference images your way. Hopefully you can glean a bit of something from them.

I did notice that in one of the cutaways (the first), you can see the body of the cockpit is full-depth (~10-12 inches like you said), but the top of the cone section is shown much thinner - just the thickness of the beams. Now, what that translates to in the real-world, I'm not sure; sorry, but that's your problem. :wacko

Sorry the pictures aren't any bigger. That's the best I got. :(

Click to embiggen.

cross_section.jpg cross_section-SWICS.jpg ultimate_blueprints.jpg
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

I just checked the hi-res blueprint again... does the "dotted- passage behind" and "dotted- cabin behind" have any bearing on the orientation/thickness of the cabin "roof"? It looks as if they shifted the cockpit up in relation to the passageway, perhaps allowing for a thinner roof diameter. Maybe. Or I'm talking out my butt...

I don't know; I'm gettin' a headache...
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

I'm sorry if someone else already posted this about your issue with bending the thin material but have you thought of using polystyrene it bends easy and if you hit with the heat gun you can even create smooth curves and it comes in varying thicknesses and sheet sizes.

Again sorry if this was already mentioned I didn't take the time to read everything that has been suggested but this is a huge forum one worthy of such a large build ^___^ anyway best of luck to you the work you've done already is looking freaking sweet.

Hi Max,

Thanks for the very kind words. It's getting there! I never gave much thought to poly. What did you have in mind?
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

I just checked the hi-res blueprint again... does the "dotted- passage behind" and "dotted- cabin behind" have any bearing on the orientation/thickness of the cabin "roof"? It looks as if they shifted the cockpit up in relation to the passageway, perhaps allowing for a thinner roof diameter. Maybe. Or I'm talking out my butt...

I don't know; I'm gettin' a headache...

That actually makes the most sense! Brilliant - GOOD EYE. It would be easier to have more space UNDER the cockpit than to try to fiddle with the canopy beam(s) orientation. There is nothing that says the circular "outline" of the cockpit MUST be evenly spaced with the circular outline of the skin.

Now... How am I going to address the issue? I would have alot of trimming to do around the edges of the panels and beams. Still a long way off but it's definately something that is always bouncing around in my head.

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