1:1 Millennium Falcon Cockpit Replica - Group Build

Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

The actual lighting isn't the issue - it's the housing. I don't know what the originals were made of/from. So I have to create something thin enough to allow enough light to go through but be strong enough to support all the upper panels. I have a good idea of the design in my head it's more taking the time to make it happen. :)
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Looks like I need to make the door light greeblee double sided :D Some artistic freedoms will need to happen there, FUN!! SK, I will need to know the inside thickness between panels of the door, when you get a chance :)

LOL - Sorry... didn't mean to create extra work for you... The idea of the Pit entrance came from the Makers Faire. :)

I'll get the thickness to you ASAP - Even I need to look at the door and figure out a few things...
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

LOL - Sorry... didn't mean to create extra work for you... The idea of the Pit entrance came from the Makers Faire. :)

I'll get the thickness to you ASAP - Even I need to look at the door and figure out a few things...

No rush my busy friend, just another thing to add to the to do list, lol
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

The list gets longer and longer... But that's a good thing!
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hey Kev,

You would have had a blast - especially with all the R2 builders there. I talked you up BIG TIME! Have you joined the R2 builders club? If not... check it out:

:: Astromech.net :: R2 Builders Club Official Website ::

I would love to see the squad of R2's, a bonus next to the console in real life!
Thanks! :D I Have already joined the R2 builders club at Yahoo and astromech, before I even got started, really got me going, but thanks for the tip anyways :)

The idea for the backside looks great, you should definitely go for it. Would be even better with some kind of "scanner" on the side (like a full hand-scanner with a green screen) just to top of the tech look. ;)
Any flashing or glowing thing or not high-tech effect would do the job really.

Pictures of what I got in mind in the spoiler:
Just a dummy of course, not like a real and functional one.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

That's a sweet idea Kevlarr.
SK, would you like me to sketch up a picture of the tunnel doorway with added light bars?
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

First of all, kudos to you Greg - I guess this is one of the most ambitious fan projects ever, and in contrast to some (if not most) others, it is really happening! ... It is indeed sofaking awesome!

As far as the cockpit access corridor is concerned, I would be cautious not to overdo the "piece of junk" attitude - there are a couple of pictures indicating that part of the ship is in rather good shape, like this:

ROTJ Rebel in Corridor 3 (Deleted Scene).jpg

... since there are no photos of that area.

Easy, easy...

.. what about this one:

SW Han & Luke in Cockpit Access Corridor (Deleted Scene).jpg

Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

First of all, kudos to you Greg - I guess this is one of the most ambitious fan projects ever, and in contrast to some (if not most) others, it is really happening! ... It is indeed sofaking awesome!

As far as the cockpit access corridor is concerned, I would be cautious not to overdo the "piece of junk" attitude - there are a couple of pictures indicating that part of the ship is in rather good shape, like this:

View attachment 236023

Easy, easy...

.. what about this one:

View attachment 236024


Hi F,

I've been in very close contact with Steve Starkiller and his 3D model of the full scale MF - I have no intention of deviating from my present course. However, there are no known images of the back wall in question. That's why I opened the design up to the forum to let other folks have an opportunity to contribute. I will do my best to stay true to the original design and feel of the MF without goingoverboard on the greeblies or used look.

Hope that made sense. :)
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

I had to take a few days to off to regroup and catch up on some much needed sleep... I'll be ramping up this evening and I hope to get alot done this weekend.

Also, I've been chatting with the folks over at Caughtrie (UK) who manufacturers the light bases seen throughout the MF. I'm hoping to acquire at least 2 as I hope to somehow incorporate them into the Pit entrance wall.

SW Pendant Style Lantern · Industrial External Lighting · Coughtrie

"... it's not over yet..."
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

In the photo I attached (my first time trying that by the way, it didn't show up like I'd hoped it would though), you can see the angular door like the one leading into the cockpit. These seem pretty scarce on the ship as everywhere else you get those round corridors. I'm not saying Han and Leia were about to kiss just outside the cockpit (or am I?), but it at least seems worth a look. Here's another shot of the wall greeblies that's pretty fun:


But of course the corridor itself is documented, it's just the details of the back wall that we can speculate about.
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Hi Gang,

Here are a few panel ideas for the back wall. I'm still working the overall design for that.

I went from simple to borrowing design cues from existing panels

More to Follow
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

In the photo I attached (my first time trying that by the way, it didn't show up like I'd hoped it would though), you can see the angular door like the one leading into the cockpit. These seem pretty scarce on the ship as everywhere else you get those round corridors. I'm not saying Han and Leia were about to kiss just outside the cockpit (or am I?), but it at least seems worth a look. Here's another shot of the wall greeblies that's pretty fun:


But of course the corridor itself is documented, it's just the details of the back wall that we can speculate about.

Hi R,

I think the link is bad - there is no pic????
Re: 1:1 Millennium Falcon Console Replica

Mate, I followed your thread from day one, as the Stinsons CGI realization of that ship. And I did (an still doing) it with awe. You are both doing an amazing job, and I salute you.

There are no known images of the back wall in question.

Did you look at the second pic I posted, the one with Han and Luke in the corridor? You can see the starboard side of the bulkhead, and the overall "feel" of that section. And here is another:

SW Stormtrooper in Cockpit Access Corridor  (Screenshot).jpg

So there are images.

The problem is though, the set dressers at Elstree obviously did not decorate that wall at all - it is just medium gray, even the frame padding (so prominent on the cockpit side) is missing.

I like your newest concept very much, the plain wall, just a little bit here and there, like you proposed: The frame padding, one or two panels, maybe a random hose or pipe (like in S.'s walk-through). Like an amalgam of what was actually built, what we can assume is practical and a pinch of artistic license...

(If I had to decide, I would cut the edge padding in your last suggestion though - it does not make any sense in that area... it is padding after all!)

Just my two cents...


- - - Updated - - -

Here are a few panel ideas for the back wall. I'm still working the overall design for that. I went from simple to borrowing design cues from existing panels

Oh... and I like them all! LOL