Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Ok, my initial reaction was "Jeez, that animation looks like crap", but I can see it growing on me. I'll give this a chance and watch a few episodes when it releases. I was a huge 80's/90's TMNT fan.
I love the turtles, to the point of having mikey tattooed on me but this looks pretty bad haha. I know from a kids stand point this will probably be good and defintely reminds me of the 90's cartoon which I loved. I think i'm just too old now to enjoy this particular version of the turtles.

I'd love it if they did an adult version along the same lines as the original Eastman and Laird comic which was actually violent and Leo and Raph actually stabbed guys with their weapons that are primarily used for stabbing......although Leo's can also slash haha.
I want dark and gritty and bloody violent. The first movie is the only thing that is even remotely close to the comics.
It's better than the animation in Nick's Speedracer and Ironman cartoons which look like first gen playstation cell shading. It looks like a first year animation student's project though.
Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (OFFICIAL TRAILER) - YouTube
Trailer for Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It airs tomorrow Saturday morning at 11am Eastern with two episodes.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme Song (Karaoke Version) - YouTube
Nickelodeon's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Theme Song. Nothing beats the original TMNT theme, still I am digging this new theme song as well.

TMNT 2012, Episodes 1 & 2: "Rise of the Turtles" Parts 1 & 2
Also the first episode gets previewed tonight at 8pm Eastern.
I am loving the new theme. Heard it about a month or so ago and it takes IMO the original and improves on it. Eagerly awaiting the premiere tomorrow. Be kinda cool to get up for a cartoon on a Saturday again.
At least the toy line doesn't look bad! They have the huge 8-inch figures for the turtles, which are awesome...

Also Krang had that silly stretch body in a suit style like the old toys. Very nostalgic.
At least the toy line doesn't look bad! They have the huge 8-inch figures for the turtles, which are awesome...

Also Krang had that silly stretch body in a suit style like the old toys. Very nostalgic.

The new toys do indeed kick ass. I plan on picking up all four turtles once they're available.
Nothing will top the original theme music, but the fact they decided to copy it fills me with hope for the direction of the show.

This is the first I've heard of this new series, and I think I might check this out. I don't mind the art style at all, and it seems like it's taking from the classic original series, which is fine by me!
The new toys do indeed kick ass. I plan on picking up all four turtles once they're available.

If you're in the United States, they already are. And the 5 inch version are awesome. Just be careful with the weapons as they feel like they might break easily.
This is the typical animation these days it seems. A lot of channels with cartoons are going to it and i have no idea why. It's as bad as Transformers Prime.
If you're in the United States, they already are. And the 5 inch version are awesome. Just be careful with the weapons as they feel like they might break easily.

Wow, found em on Amazon for only 10 bucks a piece. I'm pretty impressed with the level of detail, considering their price.

EDIT: Holy ****, and a new Turtlevan?!?! Yessssssssss!
Hahaha....pretty sweet looking figures, the side-by-side comparison shows how good they look and also how similar they are!

The Turtle Van needs a Manhole launcher!
We did a story on the new series and I have to say, for what it is this is a fantastic "reboot". It's not pretending it's something it isn't, like the original cartoon it's aimed directly at kids age 5-12.

When we did the story (a few weeks ago now) I got a bunch of the toys as swag. Included in that bag were all the "talking" turtle action figures (when you swing an arm/leg they say things that you would expect them to say in a fight).

My kids STILL haven't put them down and are total Turtle nuts now. The show stays true to it's television roots (I never read the comics), it's light hearted, colourful, and VIBRANT. That last one I can't stress enough. Shows like Clone Wars are so incredibly wooden as to be unenjoyable. TMNT has life to it.

For those who like their Turtles dark & gritty you're out of luck, but you're not who this show is for nor should this show be for you. Sit your kids in front of it and watch them love it like you loved the original.