Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

Aliens is not a burger. It's an entirely different kind of film than Alien. Alien is a horror film. Aliens is a war film. It's the difference between The Exorcist and Platoon. Not the difference between a steak and a burger. Aliens is very much a quality film. There will be no ill speak of Aliens! :)
Eh, I like the analogy, but I do feel like it's faulty. I think it's more like the difference between a T-bone and a rib eye. They're cut form the same animal, both have a lot in common, and both taste great, but they're still different cuts and you can see that.
This is always the worry about prequels.

ALIEN & Aliens both gave us the indication that the Nostromo had stumbled upon something ancient and fearsome. An eldritch horror waiting in the night, now poised to wipe out mankind due to bad luck and corporate greed. It was a very Lovecraftian idea, with the alien standing in as a minor demon of the Old Ones, laying bare that the universe conceals unknowable and unbelievable terrors.

Prometheus and now Covenant are wiping that away, ignoring what made the original films terrifying. First, the Engineers are not some wholly different race that died out a long time ago (perhaps due to the aliens) - they're now our own creators who look just like us. Well, super buff, giant China Dolls versions of us... And - depending on your interpretation - may have decided to wipe us out because we killed Space *****, but then had an industrial accident.

Now it turns out that

David may be the one who optimized the Black Goo into the very complex parasitic aliens we know, only ~20 years before the original film? To me, that's like changing a story from "Organic tissue discovered within 65 million year old T-rex bone" to "Oh, Steve should have thrown out this sandwich last week, it's looking a little green."
This is always the worry about prequels.

ALIEN & Aliens both gave us the indication that the Nostromo had stumbled upon something ancient and fearsome. An eldritch horror waiting in the night, now poised to wipe out mankind due to bad luck and corporate greed. It was a very Lovecraftian idea, with the alien standing in as a minor demon of the Old Ones, laying bare that the universe conceals unknowable and unbelievable terrors.

Prometheus and now Covenant are wiping that away, ignoring what made the original films terrifying. First, the Engineers are not some wholly different race that died out a long time ago (perhaps due to the aliens) - they're now our own creators who look just like us. Well, super buff, giant China Dolls versions of us... And - depending on your interpretation - may have decided to wipe us out because we killed Space *****, but then had an industrial accident.

Now it turns out that

David may be the one who optimized the Black Goo into the very complex parasitic aliens we know, only ~20 years before the original film? To me, that's like changing a story from "Organic tissue discovered within 65 million year old T-rex bone" to "Oh, Steve should have thrown out this sandwich last week, it's looking a little green."

This. Exactly this. I quoted the entire thing because it nails the point. The same way that "midichlorians" ruined a big chunk of Star Wars, this retconning of the xenomorph origins is doing the same to Alien(s). And funnily enough, from what I understand, mentioning midichlorians at Lucasfilm is a big no-no these days.

(And the *****-analogy isn't necessarily up to interpretation. Scott has himself more or less stated that was the case.)

I usually say "The more you know about something, the less interesting it becomes."
Aliens is essentially a action remake of Alien, just replace the cat with a girl and the space truckers with marines. Much of the same basic plot points are there mostly laid out in the same relative order

It's kind of like what Force Awakens was to a New Hope.

It doesn't mean I don't enjoy watching them, but it will always suffer from trying to mirror the original and fall short of having the same ground breaking impact

Alien Covenant on the other hand is sounding more like a bad reboot of Alien with a new Ripley. Again they are essentially making the same old movie
Just saw the new poster on IMDB! Very cool! A lot to absorb to say the least. Do I see a faint outline of the Alien queen or is it just random shapes and shadows? :)
It sounds like they skipped pretty far ahead. I guess like Ridley mentioned in that article, if this was originally sketched out as a trilogy, then Prometheus was the first movie, and Covenant is the third movie.

For whatever reason they skipped the middle movie.

In a way I think it might actually be better that way
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