Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

I guess I don't have any problem with the design of the weapons. I mean, when you think about it...firearms today are largely the same as they were years and years ago. I mean, the AK-47 began development in 1944 or something like that, and it's still a very widely used weapon. That's 70+ years.

I've always kind of been of the idea that in the future things like scope improvements and such would actually be integral to the user, not the weapon itself. Things like contact lenses, helmets, visors and such would have the targeting systems built into them so that the user could have a targeting system set up that would be their preference and it would work with every weapon they have. I know, I'm kind of getting off topic there, but that's one of the reasons I don't think too negatively about the design of weapons from things set in the future.

While this may be true, FATHER's point above was that the future look of weaponry in the Alien Universe was set by Aliens (and to a lesser degree by Alien: Ressurection) and that this new look doesn't seem to square with that.
That was my issue with the Battlestar Galactica remake.
The first one spared no expense creating a universe from the ground up.
The remake? Suits and ties and 9 millimeters.

Yeah... using all modern firearms... and they were from other planets.

I guess I shouldn't get too spun up about sci-fi movies not having weapons that are "sci-fi enough". Look at Star Wars. I think every gun in that movie is a modified version of a WWII weapon.
That was my issue with the Battlestar Galactica remake.
The first one spared no expense creating a universe from the ground up.
The remake? Suits and ties and 9 millimeters.

I don't entirely disagree...though I do remember RDM stating that they specifically chose the look of their clothing and weaponry to be very similar to what we use so that the audience would be more inclined to think of the Capricans as Us. So at least there was a specific design motive behind that decision.

Also, that was a reboot...whereas this sequel is not.

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Look at Star Wars. I think every gun in that movie is a modified version of a WWII weapon.

True....but HEAVILY modified. The casual observer doesn't look at it and go "Oh... Lee Enfield, cut down..."
David character = poo
black goop turning people in to zombie spacesuit types = poo
douchbag whooha idiot ship crew = poo
almost trying to completely replicate Ripleys character = poo
Few visual effects that are seen that aren't CGI = pretty awesome.

will I watch it - yes, probably twice

will it be poo... sigh. Probably
True....but HEAVILY modified. The casual observer doesn't look at it and go "Oh... Lee Enfield, cut down..."

I'd say that's debatable. I guess it heavily depends on a viewer's level a familiarity with firearms going into the movie. Some people can immediately identify a modified Mauser, Sterling, or MG34... some not so much.

David character = poo
black goop turning people in to zombie spacesuit types = poo
douchbag whooha idiot ship crew = poo
almost trying to completely replicate Ripleys character = poo
Few visual effects that are seen that aren't CGI = pretty awesome.

will I watch it - yes, probably twice

will it be poo... sigh. Probably

That's what's funny about Prometheus. I would almost classify it as a guilty pleasure because I can find so much fault in the movie that by definition it should be considered a bad movie. But I have lost count of how many times I've actually watched it and have no doubt the next movie will be the same.

I did like the David character though. I think he was the only redeeming thing about that movie.
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That's what's funny about Prometheus. I would almost classify it as a guilty pleasure because I can find so much fault in the movie that by definition it should be considered a bad movie. But I have lost count of how many times I've actually watched it and have no doubt the next movie will be the same.

I did like the David character though. I think he was the only redeeming thing about that movie.

lol, yes I agree it's probably about time I watched Prometheus again and loose interest at some point through it. I just wish someone would try and make an alien horror movie again. Simple, the far future, horror, Giger style xeno.

love other droids, cant feel the sinister in David just think he's creepy at best. Well, he was a little better as just a head I guess towards the end.

I think they try too hard to please with spectacles when really we all just want to have the feces scared out of us by that monster again.
While this may be true, FATHER's point above was that the future look of weaponry in the Alien Universe was set by Aliens (and to a lesser degree by Alien: Ressurection) and that this new look doesn't seem to square with that.

Everything I've read suggests this film is set in the 2100-2105 timeframe.

"Aliens" is set in 2180-ish.

So "Covenant" is roughly as far ahead of "now" as "Aliens" is ahead of "Covenant." Going with that thinking alone, it's pretty easy to look at the weapons in "Covenant" and see things that would be on the battlefield in real life right now, considering there are things on the battlefield now that are teetering on being 70+ years old.

There's a roughly 75 year difference in the time between the films, so I think differences in firearms is completely acceptable. The "future look" set by "Aliens" is actually still in the future, timeline wise, when compared to this film.
That was my issue with the Battlestar Galactica remake.
The first one spared no expense creating a universe from the ground up.
The remake? Suits and ties and 9 millimeters.

Caprica didn't feel like the same 'verse, at all.

Everything I've read suggests this film is set in the 2100-2105 timeframe.

"Aliens" is set in 2180-ish.

Aliens takes place in July, 2179. Alien taking place 57 years prior to that :p
Caprica didn't feel like the same 'verse, at all.

When I'd used the word "Capricans" i was not referring to the Prequel series, i was referring to the majority of our main cast who made their exodus from Caprica.

The prequel series "Caprica" definitely felt different...but then it was meant too, since it took place a good long time before BSG.
Caprica didn't feel like the same 'verse, at all.
Aliens takes place in July, 2179. Alien taking place 57 years prior to that :p

This seems almost over-simplified but I guess this is about it...

Since we're talking about weapons design in Covenant, let's not forget about these unmodified (I assume) weapons (look at the SCOPE) that were featured in Aliens:


The Pulse Rifle is one of the most iconic movie weapons in history, certainly. But then Cameron gave it (and the smartguns to a lesser degree) a central role in the film. Aliens was (as we all know) in part a war movie, with a heavy focus on military fetish. The pulse rifle almost became a character itself, by giving it a "this is my rifle"-moment. We don't yet know what kind of role weapons will actually play in Covenant, so maybe it's premature to put heavy critique on the weapon design in it (and I write that as a heavy skeptic as to how good the film will be). If the weapons are treated as simple survival tools by the characters (much as they are in Galactica), with no character drawing particular attention to them, then it stands to reason that they wouldn't make them stand out too much design-wise. In Aliens, Cameron wanted us to feel "Whoa... badass hardware!" but maybe that's not at all needed (or could even be detrimental) for the story in Covenant. Do I want the props (not just weapons) in Covenant to be super-cool and collectable? Absolutely! but the actual plot of the film will help determine whether or not I am inspired to add them to my collection.
They could have given them these:

Joe has a good point though: the Smartguns and Pulse Rifles were both important to plot points in Aliens (counter on the PR, the battery powered SGs) as well as having to be high-tech to fit into Gorman's pep talk to Ripley and Hudson's showing off in the dropship. These guys look to just be Colony Ship security. Waterson's Thales F-90 was only introduced a few years ago, and I don't see AR variants disappearing any time soon.
Since we're talking about weapons design in Covenant, let's not forget about these unmodified (I assume) weapons (look at the SCOPE) that were featured in Aliens:

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The Pulse Rifle is one of the most iconic movie weapons in history, certainly. But then Cameron gave it (and the smartguns to a lesser degree) a central role in the film. Aliens was (as we all know) in part a war movie, with a heavy focus on military fetish. The pulse rifle almost became a character itself, by giving it a "this is my rifle"-moment. We don't yet know what kind of role weapons will actually play in Covenant, so maybe it's premature to put heavy critique on the weapon design in it (and I write that as a heavy skeptic as to how good the film will be). If the weapons are treated as simple survival tools by the characters (much as they are in Galactica), with no character drawing particular attention to them, then it stands to reason that they wouldn't make them stand out too much design-wise. In Aliens, Cameron wanted us to feel "Whoa... badass hardware!" but maybe that's not at all needed (or could even be detrimental) for the story in Covenant. Do I want the props (not just weapons) in Covenant to be super-cool and collectable? Absolutely! but the actual plot of the film will help determine whether or not I am inspired to add them to my collection.

Well put.
I can't count how many times I pretended to be fighting Xeno's with my H&K VP70 at the range .

I just wish they would have had someone equipped with the VP70M version .
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