Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

Mr Webber

Master Member
The post mortems have on the whole been fascinating but now I feel like im trapped in a Quincy loop. In a comfortable place with Prometheus now and looking ahead and forward to the sequel/sequels in years to come and the thoughts of other members about it/them.

If any members would like to share those thoughts on anything to do with future tellings please feel free to post them here, repeatedly if you must.

Just a heads up...this is not a thread for those who dont like or understand or even care about Prometheus, its for those who want to see more of them. A meeting will then be held in the phonebox at 55th and Madison.:lol Just getting it in off the top.
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re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Good news, looks like we can squeeze a band in for the meeting.........

Speculating on a potential bridge between storylines, I keep thinking of a shot with the still under construction Nostromo in the background, just a quick reference and thats it, big on the Yutani thing at the minute, this is simplistic but a start. If a trilogy is planned, it might make sense to do a lot of stuff back on Earth before dealing with the more ethereal issues of creation in the finale.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I am curious how they plan to handle the story of Shaw and David. It'll be difficult to handle something so big with only two characters that the audience can empathize with.

As for your comment about the Nostromo, it wouldn't surprise me if that ship was actually older than Prometheus. That may be a way of explaining the technological differences. Prometheus was obviously top of the line, but everyone's making the assumption that Nostromo was a new(ish) ship in Alien, when there's no evidence to that effect.. the ship may be forty or fifty years old by the time we see it. I think a mention was made somewhere that Weyland Industries was already well into various mining operations all over explored space, before Prometheus.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I am curious how they plan to handle the story of Shaw and David. It'll be difficult to handle something so big with only two characters that the audience can empathize with.

Even more difficult when one of those characters is
a head.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

The rest is there, she just has to fix it. 3PO style.

Your right Jedi, i get caught up with trying to line up dates without factoring in the age of the Nostromo at the time. Imagine being a writer and your brief was to pick the story up with Shaw and Davids, where to start? massive canvas to fill.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I have a feeling that any future offerings will deviate further away from Alien and further into an original story without referencing the original franchise, save for maybe a certain distress signal that would get sent towards the end of the story.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Any future story will need to destroy everything on LV-233. Otherwise, Weyland company could just have sent new ships there, instead of searching the galaxy for other potential encounters.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I am curious how they plan to handle the story of Shaw and David. It'll be difficult to handle something so big with only two characters that the audience can empathize with.

Lindelof's recent quote - about Shaw's surmise regarding the Jockey's plans for Earth not necessarily being correct - gives me hope that we may yet meet sympathetic Jockeys. That would be nice.

Of course he also claims he and Scott actually did work out a backstory and really do know what is going on. Now the man is just fantasizing. :lol

As for your comment about the Nostromo, it wouldn't surprise me if that ship was actually older than Prometheus. That may be a way of explaining the technological differences.

Eh, I hope not. It's a trillion-buck science expedition, versus a tug. That explanation works fine for me. If Nostromo was built in the 2070s or 2080s, doesn't that pre-date the invention of FTL in this timeline? Not that I think they'll stick to any established timeline, but whatever. And it could always be a converted interplanetary tug, I guess.

I have a feeling that any future offerings will deviate further away from Alien and further into an original story without referencing the original franchise, save for maybe a certain distress signal that would get sent towards the end of the story.

I rather hope you are right. And I could live without the distress signal, too. Why can't that remain a completely unrelated incident? That would give us a bigger sandbox. I hate zero-degrees-of-separation universes.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

TMG, no need to blow up LV 223. You could surmise just as easily that the location of this world was known only to the crew, or that a database accident loses it.

Shaw's signal gives the game away, though.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

TMG, no need to blow up LV 223. You could surmise just as easily that the location of this world was known only to the crew, or that a database accident loses it.

Yeah. Most trillion dollar expeditions don't leave any records as to where their funds were going or where the ship was headed. And most scientists never ever publish their findings about their discoveries that were found on Earth. No. Let's keep it all a secret, go to that mysterious place where the origin of all human life might be, and hope to god nothing goes wrong because if it does, nobody back home will have any clue as to what we were doing in the first place.

The more we try to figure this movie out, the more stupid it gets.
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re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)


Id be OK with the stories, thats right hope theres a hole mess of em, stay away from the Alien universe, just toss a few bones for old time sake.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Jeyl, if I was Weyland, those are exactly my conditions for funding Shaw and Holloway. Because I'm barking mad. :lol

Seriously, that sounds exactly par for the course for decisionmaking standards in this movie.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Jeyl, if I was Weyland, those are exactly my conditions for funding Shaw and Holloway. Because I'm barking mad. :lol

Seriously, that sounds exactly par for the course for decisionmaking standards in this movie.

Oh gawd not these double posts again...did we ever get a clue what's causing this?
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

What makes Shaw think she can find the space jockey home planet? Plug David's head into the ships computer?

Will a space jockey hyper sleep chamber work on a human?
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Something has to happen to LV 223. It would explain why in Alien, the company has instructed Ash to get the lifeform no matter what. Something happens to LV 223 and this unknown wreckage on LV 426 that has gone unnoticed might be all that is left of the space-jockey-black-goo-creatures.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

What makes Shaw think she can find the space jockey home planet? Plug David's head into the ships computer?

Will a space jockey hyper sleep chamber work on a human?

For that matter, wouldn't David be able to access their technology/computer system for answers as to why they want to wipe us out and thus save her the trip?
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Ok, just throwing this out there. If the Space Jockeys created life on Earth, then there's nothing against the idea of them creating life on other worlds in the same manner, and see what evolution brings from their DNA. Perhaps this could be a thread in the follow up??
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