X-Men: Days of Future Past

I can't wait to see Sentinels in action. I wonder how far they're going to stray from the source material though. Hugh Jackman can just keep being wolverine until he's 80, he's proof that being a fan of the material helps tons in bringing the character to life.
Does 70's helmet hair count?



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Mystique from first class lacks the bitter anger that defines the character from the first three movies. I was not pleased with her corny character arc in First Class. She never gets to that awesome level cynicism by the end of the film. I wanted more grit to her. Mystique not wearing clothes acts as a sort of drastic rebellion. She's not human so she doesn't follow their rules.

I really like mystique.
That's because she was young. Late Teen's? Still a child mindset, naive, by the end of that movie. Not enough time had elapsed to portray the bitterness that she develops. They could have done a little better job of showing her headed down that path.
I love Jennifer Lawrence but I will say her performance was the weakest I've seen from her to date. There were moments, particularly at the end where the acting feels strained or just flimsy. But playing a superhero or comic book character is different. Reading some of her interviews about her acting, I'm not surprised that her performance was weak. Speaking as a former actor, you can't use the wing it mindset when playing a comic book character. It comes off cheesy when you do. And that's how her performance felt every time she was in Mystique's natural form.

I doubt that Singer did anything wrong here. While he just announced it, the script has been written for a while. The movie is in full production. Whedon only announced this last month. Since they're two different studios, it's unlikely that Singer knew anything about it when the character was included. Further more, casting and finalizing a contract with the actor probably took months. More than likely, it was just something they wanted to include in Magneto's character. Having children is part of his back story in the comics that was never presented in the previous films. If anything, he's given Disney a head start to start damage control. Their movie is a year behind his.

As for not seeing pictures of the X-Men: First Class cast- I disagree. We've already seen a few. We're only getting snippets here and there. We don't even know where they are in filming yet. But there's been no real big reveal. I'm thinking seeing a bald James McAvoy or a Magneto in what will undoubtedly be a new costume (the reviews of the First Class costume were not exactly stellar) would be a big reveal. Give it time. There's still a year to go before release. You don't show all your cards this early in the game.
His costume at the very end when he recruits Emma Frost is by far my favorite Magneto Helmet / costume to date. I'm hoping they bring that helmet back over the one Ian Mckellar wears in 1,2 & 3.
That's because she was young. Late Teen's? Still a child mindset, naive, by the end of that movie. Not enough time had elapsed to portray the bitterness that she develops. They could have done a little better job of showing her headed down that path.
I love Jennifer Lawrence but I will say her performance was the weakest I've seen from her to date. There were moments, particularly at the end where the acting feels strained or just flimsy. But playing a superhero or comic book character is different. Reading some of her interviews about her acting, I'm not surprised that her performance was weak. Speaking as a former actor, you can't use the wing it mindset when playing a comic book character. It comes off cheesy when you do. And that's how her performance felt every time she was in Mystique's natural form.

I agree but a lot of potentially really cool dramatic bits were completely missed. There should've been a strong breaking point that she went through. A good teenager style "screw the world" freakout after something terrible happens to her. Her mutant and proud stuff just leads into a wishy washy act of rebellion when she switches sides.

She needed just a little more grit in her script. But from what I understand First Class was written VERY quickly so a lot of the wonky character stuff with some of the character might have that to blame. A few more rewrites and a little more time would have made this movie killer IMHO.

I also like the End Game Magneto costume but just wish they had put some sort of arm gauntlets and a belt on him. He looks just one step too "a guy in a fancy suit". It needs just another element to bring it into the realm of supervillain costume.


Picture 2 (2).png

Interestingly though, from seeing this concept art on the costume designers art table they almost went with a belt and gauntlet combo-
Picture 3 (2).png
I agree but a lot of potentially really cool dramatic bits were completely missed. There should've been a strong breaking point that she went through. A good teenager style "screw the world" freakout after something terrible happens to her. Her mutant and proud stuff just leads into a wishy washy act of rebellion when she switches sides.

She needed just a little more grit in her script. But from what I understand First Class was written VERY quickly so a lot of the wonky character stuff with some of the character might have that to blame. A few more rewrites and a little more time would have made this movie killer IMHO.

I also like the End Game Magneto costume but just wish they had put some sort of arm gauntlets and a belt on him. He looks just one step too "a guy in a fancy suit". It needs just another element to bring it into the realm of supervillain costume.

View attachment 191857

View attachment 191855

Interestingly though, from seeing this concept art on the costume designers art table they almost went with a belt and gauntlet combo-
View attachment 191852
Yea, no doubt the writing was not up to par. Agree with you there. The movie was either too rushed or it was just flat out crappy writing.

Some nice gauntlets and a belt would definitely help the costume.
Beast Mode on Magneto! Some of Hank's clothes are ripped like he transformed into Beast. I believe we saw Hank in human form so maybe he can "turn". Thoughts?

I dig the sentinels look. It has a very slight feel to the comic but not enough to really pin down. I wonder if these are going to be huge like in the comics or just huge in comparison to Mr. Dinklage
I always though sentinels the size of buildings was kinda silly.

I could go for a smaller, more mobile sentinel for a movie.

Maybe have a giant one show up at the movies climax.
I thought that looked like a sentinel head when I saw it yesterday, but didn't make the connection to DOFP.

I also agree that the building size Sentinels are somewhat impractical, I think if they were the size of The Iron Monger from IM....that would fit better in the film.
The signage says that the head is the mark 1 sentinel head, so perhaps thats the sentinal the first class team see, and the larger towering sentinels are in the future.
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