Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Anyone have any better ref pics that they could share? I'm having some problems with the chin gun and these pics from the SW:WSMI exhibit are confusing me even more. The instructions that Rolando provided doesn't have a good explanation of how to attach the chin gun sub-assembly to the "head"/cockpit.
Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Just curious if anyone is planning on doing an interior for this baby? I'm contemplating it. What is the official scale? 1/24th?

There is a great picture of a scaled cockpit interior for the SS AT-ST on page 102 of Sculpting a Galaxy. It includes the back wall, a front console, two seats and two seated AT-ST figures.

As for the official scale, I think it depends on height of the full-size version which varies from 6m to 8m depending on which source you use.
Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Anyone have any idea where these parts go? No mention of them in the instructions. I know the block is supposed to go in the back for the option to have it held from the back, but do you just leave that spot open if you don't do that option?

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Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Around 15 inches, but its variable because the legs are articulated.
Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Steve is out of pocket except for the weekends because of his day job. So he may not answer immediately.

Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

Anyone know where this part goes (see attached pic)?

It is left over in my baggie, and I can not find in the Directions where it is placed

Also, where could I get some more of the Standard I beams, as I ran just short of finishing the legs.

Re: Studio Scale AT-ST under construction!

The part goes on the main laser cannon on its inboard face. You'll see some u-channel where it is placed.

You can get I-beam from most hobby shops or online. I used plastruct.


Anyone know where this part goes (see attached pic)?

It is left over in my baggie, and I can not find in the Directions where it is placed

Also, where could I get some more of the Standard I beams, as I ran just short of finishing the legs.

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