Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

Well Executor pronounced like it describes a guy in a suit is pretty poor when you think about it. I always liked saying it like a guy with a big ax about to loop off your head, this a great name they didn't use.

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no but I didn't consider this a spoiler as its part of an upcoming book release and if the name of the ship likely isn't even mentioned in the film.

Eh, Executor pronounced "eksZEKyooter" just sounds sleek and cool to me and it makes sense for a command ship. It seems to be commonly confused, at least in the modern usage, with executioner which is the guy that lops off heads.
Oh, good. Now we're getting teaser trailers for teaser trailers. :facepalm
Not that it makes the situation any better, but it's actually a teaser/preview for the next full trailer.

We had two teaser trailers so far, one was 1 min, 30 sec and the other was for 2 min. So this next one likely is 2 min 30 sec to 3 min trailer.
Hopefully she's more excited about Star Wars than Natalie Portman was doing her films, hahah!

I guess an experience like this today would be probably more incredible because each planet/set you are on isn't completely blue or green inhabited by people in chroma spandex...
Two things. One: Stop saying Disney is doing anything. :p Start training yourself to say Lucasfilm instead. Two: I am so sick of that "boob armor would kill you" article continuing to be cited. No it won't. :facepalm It mainly comes down to personal preference, with some skewing factor involved depending on the endowment of the woman in question (there gets to be a point where it's just more practical and more comfortable to shape the breasts into the armor than keeping it a simple domed shape -- but women thus endowed tend to not get tapped for the "badass" roles).

Yeah sure, Disney doesn't care about their female characters...more reason to dismiss the claims of sexism in TFA.

If there's anyone who is problematic it's JJ.

Star Wars: It's armor. On a woman. It doesn't have to look feminine.

Where the heck was that in Star Trek? In both of JJ's Trek movies he managed to take that very outdated 'feminine' uniform from the classic series and bring it down even further with shorter sleeves with no where to put the officer's rank. The only 'equal opportunity' thing he ever cared to talk about was how much skin was shown, and even he managed to botch that up. I guess there's a good point to your "Director's Proof" deal after all.
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