Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Pre-release)

I can see it now...Finn ignites his saber in challenge to Kylo Ren, then someone comes up beside him, back to the camera, says calmly "No" before turning around, then lifts his head and pulls back his hood, revealing Luke for the first time, who then ignites his his own saber. Gives me chills. I can't wait for the full trailer.
Is it more of a "I'm so out of my league" look or a "I'm about to get cut into tiny little Fin pieces" look?

I think it's a little of both!

I still am curious to find out what his last name is and why it's being intentionally withheld. One would assume it's a name we've heard before or else there would be no point in keeping it a secret. Calrissian? Windu? Solo?....Skywalker?

Same goes for Rey but I have strong suspicions about her already.
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If that's real it looks really close, in the side view, to some of the EU Star Destroyers.

Why did everyone abandon the spoiler thread? Are we all out of them?
Well the toy seems to show a more traditional bridge but this illustration does not. You can def see a glimpse of an exposed bridge in the 2nd trailer.
Not crazy about the name but I do like the looks of it. Does it have a bridge tower? The profile shot seems to indicate it doesn't?

Well Executor pronounced like it describes a guy in a suit is pretty poor when you think about it. I always liked saying it like a guy with a big ax about to loop off your head, this a great name they didn't use.

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If that's real it looks really close, in the side view, to some of the EU Star Destroyers.

Why did everyone abandon the spoiler thread? Are we all out of them?

no but I didn't consider this a spoiler as its part of an upcoming book release and if the name of the ship likely isn't even mentioned in the film.
Oh well, not too long and we'll all be cheering wildly (most of us anyway). All the negative nellies can go back to sitting in their corners and typing their angst but it is not going to have much of an impact. Visually this movie is just going to stun the majority of us. And the story is going to inject some fresh vigour into the series that will thrill most SW fans. Truly the Force has reawakened and that's something many people had just dreamed about but is now an actual reality. Whats not to be happy about?
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