OT replacment dish for the TFA 1:144 Falcon?

Lynn TXP 0369

Sr Member
Does anyone make a OT 1:144 dish replacement for the TFA 1:144 falcon? I'm not crazy about the rectangle TFA dish and I would like this scale to go with the other 1:144 models but would rather have a OT Falcon.
Tony designs really accurate replacement parts, and as far as I know is the only one who's made a replacement dish for the Bandai 1:144 Falcon. Note that he sells three different versions of the OT dish. I describe them here.

You can't go wrong with any of them - it just depends how much work you want to put into the installation!

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Tony designs really accurate replacement parts, and as far as I know is the only one who's made a replacement dish for the Bandai 1:144 Falcon. Note that he sells three different versions of the OT dish. I describe them here.

You can't go wrong with any of them - it just depends how much work you want to put into the installation!


I’m afraid his docking cones are not accurate. I alerted him to this, and he replied he would look into it, but I haven’t seen any activity yet. The original kit parts are more accurate.

Interesting. In what way do you feel that the 308bits docking rings are less accurate?

The Bandai cones are slightly too rounded rather than having straight sides. It's almost like they're cross sectIons of a parabolic cone rather than a normal cone. They also have the TFA details in the flat central disc, which though based on the Original Trilogy details, are notably different. Especially the central pipes. The movie seemed to have straight pole-like struts in place of the four brackets where the cylinder meets the vertical sidewall (or no struts at all in some scenes - continuity error!), and the Bandai model has kind of incomplete triangles.

By contrast the 308bits docking rings seem just slightly too parallel, (i.e.: closer to a cylinder than a sliced cone) but it's subtle and at least they have straight sides. The flat central discs have a pretty faithful rendering of the OT detailing, complete with overhanging components. They are missing the raised sort of U-shaped pipes admittedly. The four corner brackets are unfortunately simple solid triangles rather than flat wedges with an open triangular gap, which is a shame as they would've been easy to print. The engraved panel lines are a bit too narrow and shallow compared to the rest of the Bandai moulding. In other words, they're closer to true scale, but too fine considering that they're going to be stuck onto an injection mounded plastic model with slightly oversized panel scribing! One annoyance is that the 3D printing process does result in aliased print lines. And because the part is mostly curved and cylindrical, these artefacts show up as scalloped lines. That is a by-product of the 3D printing machine, not the design, though.

In short, while the 308bits designs are not totally perfect, I think they're a much closer approximation of the Original Trilogy docking rings than the Bandai parts.
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Interesting. In what way do you feel that the 308bits docking rings are less accurate?

The Bandai cones are slightly too rounded rather than having straight sides. It's almost like they're cross sectIons of a parabolic cone rather than a normal cone. They also have the TFA details in the flat central disc, which though based on the Original Trilogy details, are notably different. Especially the central pipes. The movie seemed to have straight pole-like struts in place of the four brackets where the cylinder meets the vertical sidewall (or no struts at all in some scenes - continuity error!), and the Bandai model has kind of incomplete triangles.

By contrast the 308bits docking rings seem just slightly too parallel, (i.e.: closer to a cylinder than a sliced cone) but it's subtle and at least they have straight sides. The flat central discs have a pretty faithful rendering of the OT detailing, complete with overhanging components. They are missing the raised sort of U-shaped pipes admittedly. The four corner brackets are unfortunately simple solid triangles rather than flat wedges with an open triangular gap, which is a shame as they would've been easy to print. The engraved panel lines are a bit too narrow and shallow compared to the rest of the Bandai moulding. In other words, they're closer to true scale, but too fine considering that they're going to be stuck onto an injection mounded plastic model with slightly oversized panel scribing! One annoyance is that the 3D printing process does result in aliased print lines. And because the part is mostly curved and cylindrical, these artefacts show up as scalloped lines. That is a by-product of the 3D printing machine, not the design, though.

In short, while the 308bits designs are not totally perfect, I think they're a much closer approximation of the Original Trilogy docking rings than the Bandai parts.

If we ARE talking about the 1/144 Bandai Millennium Falcon, then it is the cone angle to which I refer. The cone angle on my kit cones are much closer to the truth in spite of the tiny amount of curvature you mention than the totally straight yet much less of a cone angle of 308bits cones. Maybe the cones you have seen are more distorted. Furthermore, I find the 308bits cones are not “just slightly” too parallel. They are noticeably too parallel. There is a gap between the cone base and the would-be vertical edges of the octagonal plate, and there should be none.

I invite you to examine the many pics on the net of this area on the original “5 footer” to see this geometry. The base end of the cones are jammed right into the corners of the plates’ intersections, front and back.

Grrrr. I've just sat down with the 308bits cones and Maruska and Jaitea's outline drawings and you're right. They're totally wrong. Dammit. They have the beautifully correct internal detailing of the five foot model. But the profile of the truncated cones - especially the length and angles - are basically those of the 32 inch model. I'd thought the five footer cone was longer, but it's actually the shorter of the two.

This sucks, as the parts were crazy expensive (almost as much as the Bandai 144!) and I was planning on using them. Now I have to come up with something else...
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Grrrr. I've just sat down with the 308bits cones and Maruska and Jaitea's outline drawings and you're right. They're totally wrong. Dammit. They have the beautifully correct internal detailing of the five foot model. But the profile of the truncated cones - especially the length and angles - are basically those of the 32 inch model. I'd thought the five footer cone was longer, but it's actually the shorter of the two.

This sucks, as the parts were crazy expensive (almost as much as the Bandai 144!) and I was planning on using them. Now I have to come up with something else...

I’ve been communication with 308bits via comments on the 1/144 “Falcon docking ring set 5 footer version for the Banday kit ” Shapeways page. You can read the comment traffic toward the bottom of that page. He has improved it, and the picture depicts that. However, it is still not quite right, and I pointed that out as well. Clearly, he seems amenable to making changes, though I haven’t seen any more improvements yet. You are correct, the “5 footer” cones are shorter.

I would have chimed in sooner had I known what was going on, but I am of very poor health these days. Yes, when I finally saw the cones touted as totally screen accurate to the “5-footer”, AND the asking price, I knew folks would be spending their hard earned cash on this miscarriage, so I felt compelled to say something. Fortunately, he seems to be willing to make changes, but it seems to take a while, and I don’t know if he will feel compelled to offer to make folks’ past orders right once he manages to get the part really totally correct.

I know Jaitea and Markusa fancy themselves to be in a position of reasonably knowing the “5 footer” hull geometry, and truly, they have made strong inroads toward that end, and I commend them. But I have been studying this bird for decades, and I have been able to corroborate a huge amount of my hull shape and size determinations during that time. I do not have software like Markusa’s and thus cannot do that which he has been able to do, but I know enough to see that with each iteration he has done, he gets closer to the truth. The weakest part of my info regarding the hull is the landing gear boxes, due mainly to the lack of enough “telling” photographs of that area, making triangulation a bitch. I am getting closer, but my health intervenes.

I would point out one piece of info that I don’t see being brought up (so I don’t know if it is well understood by others), and that is, a significant amount of the “32-incher” is based on the so-called full sizes sets. The critical part of this is that because the sets were undersized, they were built using forced perspective, and that carried right into the “32-incher”. For the “32-incher”, this shows up in the docking cones, as well as the relative hull edge thickness and other areas.

The cockpit cone should be able to be placed onto the docking ring cone & have a continuous slope as though cut from the same cone,....thats why they have the same diameter

Well I for one appreciate the correction! I've put a stupid amount of time into making this model and I'm still missing stuff like this. It's a bit forest and the trees I think. :)

It is pretty great having these resources available to better our work, and the generosity of folks like Maruska, Jay of Falcon A and Stinson's Deeply Obsessed pages shouldn't go unremarked upon.

Glad to hear the new product is improved, but I've just decided to make my own in the end. Plus I'm adding a bonus feature - I'm making the central hexagonal sections separate. That way I can install push button switches for electrics. :)
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Anyway. Getting back to the original question, I think the radar dish models are fairly accurate to the Original Trilogy. :) The main question being, did the inner ring around the central cone fall off (or get removed) before or after the filming of Empire?

The 308bits dish is ANH style, with the inner ring in place. But with Empire it's confusing. The full sized sets did have the ring, though it's mainly visible in behind the scenes photos. You can't really see it on screen. The 32 incher lacks the ring. But the question is does the five footer? The one sequence where you can seem to see the dish is during Luke's rescue from Cloud City. That view seems to suggest the ring is missing.
I don't fancy myself as anything or proclaim myself as an expert


Me neither! I think most of us are just having fun enjoying the creativity of community in recreating a beloved fictional spaceship......perhaps Darth Humorous could stand to gain, ironically, a sense of humour?

Lynn! Sorry it took me two months to notice, but.... you're back!
LOL!! Thanks for the welcome back! Been busy with life, the kids are growing up and I can get back into this stuff again. Last year I almost died in February from getting bacterial meningitis really bad but now finally fully recovered and started to feel like like working on models and costumes again. I'm also back into the 501st with a full TIE pilot outfit and a Mandalorian Protector outfit and have been trooping,

I've done 15 troops since I got sick when the doctors said I should have been in a nursing home for the rest of my life like a vegetable with how bad I had it. I prayed and pushed myself to recover and I was back to work in 5 weeks from the time I was within hours of death because of the meningitis. All of my doctors were calling me a miracle because I should have been dead or worse. God looked after me on that one!
It is good to be back! Thanks again for the welcome back!
LOL!! Thanks for the welcome back! Been busy with life, the kids are growing up and I can get back into this stuff again. Last year I almost died in February from getting bacterial meningitis really bad but now finally fully recovered and started to feel like like working on models and costumes again. I'm also back into the 501st with a full TIE pilot outfit and a Mandalorian Protector outfit and have been trooping,

I've done 15 troops since I got sick when the doctors said I should have been in a nursing home for the rest of my life like a vegetable with how bad I had it. I prayed and pushed myself to recover and I was back to work in 5 weeks from the time I was within hours of death because of the meningitis. All of my doctors were calling me a miracle because I should have been dead or worse. God looked after me on that one!
It is good to be back! Thanks again for the welcome back!

Incredible,.....great to have you back

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