New Project - Captain Jack Harkness Vortex Manipulator Wristband

Yeah, those kind of buttons are on a few electronics gizmos out there. The one's on my prototype were from a windows keyboard.
Hi, I'm new to this forum and have been going through the threads and found this one, I am very interested in this, it goes beyond my creative skills to make one and would happily commision one if you'd be willing.

Are there any more photos of the finished article... assuming it is finished now?
Unfortunateley, this one got away from me.

While I'm pretty sure I know how the original one was put together, I simply don't have the leather-working/stitching skills to do it, and my wife has consistently found reasons not to take a shot at it!

Can't win 'em all
If I may, I'd like to submit my own vortex manipulator:


This is the version that River Song uses, without the cover flap. Looking at pics though after the fact, it appears that the flap-less version is simply a Jack model with the flap unbuttoned. The device inside in these pics above was unpainted when I took them... should be silver of course. A flashing blue LED was fitted to it as well. (One of our Rebel Legion guys molded the devices)

I also made River's wide waist-belt and holster rig....
Wow that's awesome, think I'd prefer a flap though, just to protect the resin inside.

Shame about that Birdie, as you say, can't win em all.

Any idea where or from who I could get a manipulator made for myself? A TARDIS console I can build but as I say this prop is simply beyond me.
Wow that's awesome, think I'd prefer a flap though, just to protect the resin inside.

Shame about that Birdie, as you say, can't win em all.

Any idea where or from who I could get a manipulator made for myself? A TARDIS console I can build but as I say this prop is simply beyond me.

Correction, I've found the face plate and buttons, metal too, looks good.

I, like Anakin, would be interested in the origin of that leather work PhiloniusKel, it does look superb.
I actually did all the leather work myself. The manipulator device was molded by a friend, and as I stated in the pics, it was finished off with silver paint and a blinking LED after I finished the leather.
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