New Project - Captain Jack Harkness Vortex Manipulator Wristband

I think the LED is important. I'll take apart the toy and see how they wired it up. The tricky part for electronics is that the toy is twice as thick as the real prop. Which is why it feels like a giant rubber brick on the back of your wrist. We'll have to find a way to fit two LEDs, a battery, and a switch into something roughly 1/4" thick.
Which is why it feels like a giant rubber brick on the back of your wrist. We'll have to find a way to fit two LEDs, a battery, and a switch into something roughly 1/4" thick.

Easy! Button cells, a micro switch, and if space REALLY becomes an issue, surface mounted LED...but I doubt the LED will be the issue.

I should be able to handle getting that gear inside the space. It'll be easier once I can mock it up, but I don't foresee it being TOO difficult (Famous last words).

That sounds like a better plan. It's no fun to buy a $1 item and pay $9 for the shipping.

I sent him an email, hopefully he'll get back to me saying "yes I owned one and yes I still have it, would you like me to ship it out to you as you're the greatest son in the world?" ... okay maybe not exactly that but something along those lines. I'll let you know the response.

To me the bigger question is, do we want any actual functions. If it's just going to be static, I can just make it one piece, I'll have to mold each piece separately. (And decide what functions we want...LED? Illuminated thingamajig? CO2 Burning Laser? :p )

And it sounds like you guys were busy sourcing the button while I was typing haha, but I've wanted one of these for a long time too so if we can work together to make it happen, awesome!


Let's do this. It's gonna be TJOIT thread all over again with us all working together again lol. As for functions. I don't know what it does as I don't have the toy, I just like the look of it. Any functions would be cool though.

I think the LED is important. I'll take apart the toy and see how they wired it up. The tricky part for electronics is that the toy is twice as thick as the real prop. Which is why it feels like a giant rubber brick on the back of your wrist. We'll have to find a way to fit two LEDs, a battery, and a switch into something roughly 1/4" thick.

What about those flat LEDs? My wife brought home a little handheld fan tonight, it spins around and has lights on it that light up in various orders. Kinda cool actually ... however, the LEDs are flat and super tiny, they look like they're attached to a little circuit board. I'm not an electronics guy but maybe those could be used?
It's actually two LEDs. A rectangular one, much like the multipass, and a round one. I'll have to check my reference of the prop to make sure it's the same, right now I'm talking about the toy. It's very interesting on the inside though. Actually just one LED with a custom molded piece of clear plastic shaped like two LEDs stuck onto it. Should be a piece of cake though. You might want to start looking for a gold/brass speaker grill.
You might want to start looking for a gold/brass speaker grill.

I was actually thinking about this earlier. Look in the "Dick Tracy Watch" thread (should be near the top as it was posted in today). I couldn't help but notice the speaker grill on that looked similar, earlier tonight.
The three of us really have to stop meeting this way.

...I don't know about the two of you, but I'm starting to think I might need more of a social life haha

Risu, you said you had some reference images? Any way you could send some of the better ones my way? I only have a few images in my project folder mostly because I thought with my lack of leather-working experience I'd never get this one done.

I just want to start getting a plan together for the inevitable sculpt (I'm too pumped not to do it now).

Let me check, I gathered them back when this thread was started, I have to make sure I still have them.
OK, this is all I've got of the face. Hopefully that's enough.


I just remembered though that in one episode, I think the finale of Who series 4, that brass grill is shown to actually be a digital display with numbers on it. We'll have to look that up to find out. If it's not a functional screen it should be really easy to just cut one out of a cheap digital watch.
That's a nice clear shot...I'll probably build up some more shots in my file, but for a first image just to remind myself of the specifics of the prop and to start getting a direction in my head, that's perfect!

Cool. I want to say the dimensions are roughly 2.25 x 1 x .25 inches, I can give you something more exact when the button gets here.
If it helps, the original phone is 42mm wide according to its specs.

If I wasn't just about to run off to catch a plane, I'd do some scaling in photoshop.

I've only got the keyboard coming, haven't seen any decent pics of the whole phone to scale to. I'm not in any hurry to rush this to the finish, though. I've got a Glitch to finish still, that's my main priority. I'm also working on a new dust jacket project, "Boots and Legs: An Illustrated Guide to Foot Coverings and the Things that Go in Them" from Picnicface's "All About Halifax". It's obscure, but it's always made me laugh.

Anyways, to stay on topic, were you planning on casting these as well, or just the initial sculpt? If you were, have you ever done cold cast aluminum? I think this piece would look fantastic done that way.
I was planning on casting the V.M. bodies too, and although I've never tried cold casting, I've been looking for a reason to learn it. Looks like I need to go buy some aluminum powder with my next casting supply order.

And now my computer has to go off or I'll never stop responding and I'll miss my flight.

I'll try to check back a few times this week, but won't be able to do anything until at least the 20th. Let me know if there are any interesting developments while I'm away.

Anyways, to stay on topic, were you planning on casting these as well, or just the initial sculpt? If you were, have you ever done cold cast aluminum? I think this piece would look fantastic done that way.

Isn't that how they did the Cybermen bodies, with the aluminum powder? I love that look, I reckon it will suit these perfectly.

I'll try to check back a few times this week, but won't be able to do anything until at least the 20th. Let me know if there are any interesting developments while I'm away.

We'll keep the thread warm for you dude. Have a safe trip. :)

EDIT: No response from my Dad yet. I've got tons of ref pics on my PC/HDD too, I'll have to look for them later on as I have to go out in a short while :(

If nothing else, this week while Nick is away, I'll download either 720p or 1080p bluray rips of Torchwood episodes and get some good screengrabs.
Awesome. The one I posted there was from an episode of Torchwood I think. It's weird though because he has it on the wrong wrist. I'm pretty sure that's how he wore it only in Who series 1.

And yea, that's how they did the cybermen, which is also the reason I decided not to attempt the pepakura armor, because I'd spend weeks pepping and glassing, then have to spend a couple thousand dollars in silicone to mold and then cast the pieces to get the finish right. I'm actually just not QUITE that into Who. :lol
You guys could just, y'know, ask me, instead of the hijack?

Since I aleady used the phone to make my faceplate...

The reason I haven't posted to this thread in a long while is 'cos I've had nothing to report, my girlfriend bailed on the project 'cos she lost her bottle (UK slang...)
Yea, that's how they did the cybermen, which is also the reason I decided not to attempt the pepakura armor, because I'd spend weeks pepping and glassing, then have to spend a couple thousand dollars in silicone to mold and then cast the pieces to get the finish right. I'm actually just not QUITE that into Who. :lol

Haha, I got those Cybermen files too. I'll do it eventually but it won't be for a while. I'm actually waiting because I want to know if they're going to change their appearance or not for the new showrunners. Either way, I'll start that eventually though.

You guys could just, y'know, ask me, instead of the hijack?

Where would the fun in that be? :p

Since I aleady used the phone to make my faceplate...

Awesome. Okay I'll ask. Exactly how big in diameter is the circular button please? :)
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