New Project - Captain Jack Harkness Vortex Manipulator Wristband

Still happenin' !

Have everything we need now. I had had some problems with an Ebay vendor getting hold of the stud poppers. Hopefully will have something to report in the next few weeks, but work schedules are still hectic.
Well, we've worked out all the patterns and dimensions, but it's been really hard for Linda to make the time to get the stitching done.

She's just been moved onto a less insane project at work, so I'm hoping that we can move forward on this soon. Soon as I have something, I'll post it up.
I'm still undecided if I'd rather make one myself or just buy one. If you do make them I may be tempted to at least pick up a set of hardware and the cast piece if you sell them separately.
Hi I am very new. Did this Happen ?? I had someone working on one for me but the electronics became a problem. :cry So your pictures look good - if you have a run let me know PLEASE
With the tools I've got at my disposal now I could probably make one of these in about a half an hour, but I need to sculpt myself the actual manipulator piece before I can make the strap. It's definitely a project I want to do, but it'll probably be a while before I get around to it.
With the tools I've got at my disposal now I could probably make one of these in about a half an hour, but I need to sculpt myself the actual manipulator piece before I can make the strap. It's definitely a project I want to do, but it'll probably be a while before I get around to it.

I'll do the sculpting if you do the leatherwork. I'm going out of town for the next week, but if we can agree on some dimensions for the manipulator face, I should have enough loose parts to make one up for molding.

Let me know.

Are you going to sculpt it with or without the round cell phone button? The measurements are the part that's always been tricky for me. It's hard to scale something to a wrist so far from my own. Scaling off the button would probably be easiest, I guess I'll have to pick one up on ebay, despite the shipping charges.
Are you going to sculpt it with or without the round cell phone button? The measurements are the part that's always been tricky for me. It's hard to scale something to a wrist so far from my own. Scaling off the button would probably be easiest, I guess I'll have to pick one up on ebay, despite the shipping charges.

Which cell phone button is it? I tried looking in old threads to no avail
Yep, there's an ebay seller in France unloading them right now, has 5 left. I just bought one. Once it gets here I'll rescale the toy manipulator I've got to get the exact appropriate size.
Yep, there's an ebay seller in France unloading them right now, has 5 left. I just bought one. Once it gets here I'll rescale the toy manipulator I've got to get the exact appropriate size.

Awesome sauce, sounds like a plan to me :D

I'm sure my dad had this phone. I may have to ask if he still has it around and see if he'll send it to me, if this is indeed the one he had.
That sounds like a better plan. It's no fun to buy a $1 item and pay $9 for the shipping.

Also, at the rate things are going, I'm going to need more wrists to wear all the stuff I'm working on.
I was planning on just sculpting the button myself unless I could get a phone to cannibalize for cheap.

To me the bigger question is, do we want any actual functions. If it's just going to be static, I can just make it one piece, I'll have to mold each piece separately. (And decide what functions we want...LED? Illuminated thingamajig? CO2 Burning Laser? :p )

And it sounds like you guys were busy sourcing the button while I was typing haha, but I've wanted one of these for a long time too so if we can work together to make it happen, awesome!

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