Jared Leto Joker

It's definitely some kind of shiny sharkskin jacket. Probably wool or possibly silk. When I was looking, the hard thing to find was one with that black shawl cut lapel.
I really wish people could discount the "Joker I grew up with" notion and accept culture has evolved. Tattoos are the biggest example of such. When I got my first job, my tattoo had to be hidden but now my Office Manager has a tattoo on her neck. This SS Joker is just a reflection of today. Matching his wild and over the top personality with an in your face look.

I still find it difficult to understand how people can't see this and automatically think "THAT is Joker incarnate"
The more I see of him, he almost looks like a character from "Eastern Promises" almost a DC reimagining of Viggo Mortensens's character
Off topic but the dude in the right hand corner looks like he is going to york
haha I can't unsee that now, even though I'm pretty sure he must be looking into a viewfinder I just imagine him mumbling "Ho boy Jerry you've done it this time, shouldn't have had that 3rd chili dog from Craft Services"
So I found this jacket


Anyone have any speculation about what the abdomen tattoo says? Looks to me like it says joker.

I'm putting this together for sydney supanova I'll post up some progress pics soon

Edit: might as well dump everything I have so far here.

I'll be making this out of leather myself in the ******* rig style.
Laser printable temp tattoo paper with matte finish, I still need to go into photoshop and extract the tattoos from the promo shoot

Looks like a M1911 but I'm far from an expert
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001-v2-1024x575.jpgAnyone notice in this photo he isn't wearing his grill? maybe they really do get knocked out during the movie.
also i see no tattoo on his head.
Not sure if anyone has seen his cars plates but they say "HAHAHA" and I just ordered my new plates to say that so I'll post a pic when they arrive!
So these are much better resolution than what we've had, they also show a 2nd outfit kinda. But the hand tattoos, including new knuckle tats and the rings are easily visible

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