Jared Leto Joker

....I don't know that I'd call that a debate.

But let's break it down anyway, point by point. And I will keep it civil.

Like Athanasius said before, Ayer is a one trick pony. Look at his career,
Sabotage: A dirty DEA agent taking on a cartel
End of Watch: Bad cops taking on gang members
Street Kings: Dirty cop taking on drug dealers
His resume is a tome of redundancy.

Christopher Nolan has not only created critcally-acclaimed, thought-provoking films like Memento, Inception and Interstellar, he created what is widely regarded as the best adaptation of Batman to date. His films are as well-orchestrated as they are original.

Like Tim Burton, EVERY director is famous because of their unique style. If that weren't the case, there wouldn't be powerhouse directors like him, Nolan, Spielberg, Columbus, etc, etc. Burton presents a gothic style to normally average and mundane settings. Films like Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands would be completely flavorless without Burton's particular flair. No other director could achieve what he did with those films. His version of the Bat-verse is, to this day, still the most iconic and recognizable. Casting Michael Keaton as Batman was a stroke of genius as he set the golden standard for the role.

Leto is one of the most overrated actors working in Hollywood. He is an overactor has no on-screen sincerity. His best role was in American Psycho, because his character was fake and had no real interest or connection with the people he interacted with. It was the perfect role for him because he didn't actually have to act. I have no real explanation as to how he hamfisted himself into winning an Oscar, but the Academy Awards have been so politically driven rather than talent based for the last 20 years, that an Academy win holds as much weight to the average viewer as an MTV award.

I don't get tired of hearing the truth. I get tired of always being right.

On Ayer's part, I can see where you're coming from, and that makes sense.

As for Nolan and Burton.... Well... Nolan's movies are probably the most overrated I've ever seen. The entire Dark Knight trilogy was an eye sore to look at (although it did have good actors and a good plot for the most part), inception although though provoking was very VERY boring. Burton has some great films. Like I said, he's my favorite director. But none of his stuff is award winning work, it's just fun (which is great, and why I love him, but I wouldn't consider him a visionary). Let's also keep in mind, while on the subject of Burton, that his Batman films are some of the most inaccurate in terms of both story and some of the character's looks. I think that Tim Burton went way too unrealistic and playful with Batman and Nolan went way too realistic with Batman. A good Batman look/story is somewhere in the middle. Now, I will say, Tim Burton's Gotham was perfect.

As for Leto.... You're saying he isn't as good of an actor as Keaton or Ledger right? I don't remember a single movie Ledger was in that he was an outstanding actor apart from The Dark Knight. Keaton has been in a lot of good things, but the only thing I can even think of him in that was even close to award winning was his performance in Birdman.

Both of Leto's performance's in Dallas Buyers Club and American Psycho have been amazing..... So I don't think I can see where you're coming from there?

But, to pull things back on track..... I think he looks fantastic....
He almost has a feminine quality to him that's necessary with the Joker, and he's really reading as a good mix between Mark Hamill and The Dark Knight Returns Joker so far. I don't really like the "Damaged" tattoo, but what I do like is the other ones. I think it only makes sense that someone who's been in prison multiple times would have multiple tattoos. I'm sure he gets bored and wants someone to doodle on him. Heck, Harley is probably the one doing it.
I think the silverish jacket with the burgundy shirt looks great as well..... Did anyone notice ha had a shoulder holster with a gun on under it?

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Ohhhhhhh my god. I'm so tired of hearing this compared to Heath Ledger or Michael Keaton. Not only were they both by LEAPS AND BOUNDS better actors than Leto, they also had the luxury of having absolute visionaries in the director's chair. Ayers is hackneyed at BEST.

But the thing is, it needs to be compared to those situations. Those directors became visionaries because they made films that changed the industry, if you don't give Ayers the chance to do the same, he will never be on their level. I'm sure all of Nolan and Burton's films were not brilliant. Some would argue the two made some films they were displeased with, I can think of quite a few personally, but I will never allow that to change my opinion on their future films. If you discredit the work of a director due to their past works, you will never be able to appreciate if they do make a brilliant film.

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And on Leto's performances in the past, I agree, they were brilliant. He is truly proving himself worthy, at least in most eyes.
Just because of the way he chooses to dress or look people tend to throw judgements at him as being a 'thug' or 'punk'... oh, would you look at that exactly the words being used to describe the new Joker.
We have what could be the most true to the comics Batman and Superman looks we've had yet. Ben is Batman, and Henry is Superman.
Jared Leto is? Not the Joker. That's for sure. Why on Earth would they go out of their way to change the Joker's look now?

I'm just not impressed with the look... It feels like they changed too much too quickly. That being said, I'm sure that Leto will deliver a fantastic performance so I'm not stressin' over it.
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May I suggest anyone with critical opinions to discuss go to the 'Suicide Squad' thread in "Entertainment and Movie Talk", as this is supposed to be a costume research thread for the folks who are interested in this costume.
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I dont think anyones posted these yet
Ive been doing a search for the jacket and I've had trouble finding anything close. Even if I find something somewhat accurate in color, it is not nearly the same style.
I'll keep looking and let you all know if anything even similar turns up, the shirt and even the pants shouldn't be tough, there are tons of things very similar, ranging in price.
You can find closer items in womens clothing i am finding (unfortunately for a guy my siz :lol )

Michael Kors Womens Silver Crushed Satin Shiny Tuxedo Jacket
The pockets aren't at all accurate, and the color seems to be lighter, but this is just an example of what I have found.

update: Found a similar mens jacket, it's pretty close except for the material / color.
Zara menswear silver polyester suit jacket with a finished black lapel.
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Nice! I saw that mens coat in a google image search but the link was dead when I tried to see what it was, cool that you found the actual brand. I wonder if it is the lighting/background making the color of the Zara coat look less brilliant. Seems like theres 2 options with these: Tin Man silver, and grey.
Nice! I saw that mens coat in a google image search but the link was dead when I tried to see what it was, cool that you found the actual brand. I wonder if it is the lighting/background making the color of the Zara coat look less brilliant. Seems like theres 2 options with these: Tin Man silver, and grey.

I'm sure the lighting is definitely a contributor, since the backdrop is much different then that of the set photos. I never saw the color options, I actually wasn't able to even come across anyone selling them, were you able to find a distributor?
I'm sure the lighting is definitely a contributor, since the backdrop is much different then that of the set photos. I never saw the color options, I actually wasn't able to even come across anyone selling them, were you able to find a distributor?
No sorry I meant with the "silver" jackets in general I'm finding its either bright shiny silver or a more matte grey. I've searched for Zara silver blazer and found some pictures of people wearing it but nowhere to actually buy it :/
It looks to me like a shiney silver that has been weathered down to an almost matte finish. I have been looking through various jackets, and the matte silver and grays just don't look right. I'd worry about trying to weather them and accidentlly doing to dark.
It looks to me like a shiney silver that has been weathered down to an almost matte finish. I have been looking through various jackets, and the matte silver and grays just don't look right. I'd worry about trying to weather them and accidentlly doing to dark.
yeah it's pretty strange, the Zara jacket looks almost spot on in cut when compared to Leto's, but the color isn't right. It's hard too because the SS costumes look off the rack at first glance, but then you realize that a lot of it is probably custom, so it makes it difficult to decide if something is a found item or not.
The things I am truly curious on are the jewelry and shoes, though there are no real clear pictures of either.

Ya me too. Hopefully it will be some custom Joker rings and stuff. I want to get a good look at his sidearm. It looks like a 1911 with an extended mag and raised sights.

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