Batsuit: Arkham Origins V1

Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

image.jpgimage.jpgWhat do you guys think of the boot so far?
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Jerry, the shin guards look AWESOME bro! Excellent work! Later you can upgrade the boot. Have fun at the party!
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

INSANE ! That's really awesome, its almost 3 am in France,I have to wake up early tomorrow but I am so excited about your work !
That gives a lot of motivation, thanks for the quality, keep goin' ! ;)
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

I hope you got plenty of pictures at this party, dying to see the whole thing together. Great work on the shin guards, they look brilliant. Keep it up man.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins


Didn't get to finish the entire costume but enough to go out in. I should have them done by Halloween. Just need the bicep/tricep armor and the leg armor... Oh yeah, still wanted to to the neck pieces as well as the cowl if I have time. Also want to add the pouches to the belt. Last I figure ill paint on some scuff marks and age to all the pieces. For most of the night I was far and away the best batman at the party until my friend Andrew showed up in his UD Replica TDK costume. Lol. Hey David, let me borrow one of your Arkham Knight suits so I can show him up. ;)
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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Thanks. I should be doing a little bit of work on it tonight. Going to see if I can get a black set of boots this week. Love the shape of these. But the plastidip isn't holding. The shin covers are rubbing off the dip. If they were black it would work fine.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

VERY NICE! Looks like you enjoyed yourself at the party too! By the time you finish with your upgrades, this is going to be TRULY EPIC! Looking forward to seeing the finished product!:thumbsup
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgThanks again guys. I appreciate it. Today I started experimenting with painting techniques to see if I could make the armor look abused and battle worn. I started with the gauntlets, just dry brushing the edges with a mixture of black and white acrylic paint and I like the results. What do you guys think? Probably going to do the rest of the armor tonight.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins


Also scuffed up the boots and the chest piece trying to give it an authentic worn look. Looks pretty neat. Tried to take some pics but the front facing camera isn't very good and the bad lighting at night doesn't help.
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins


Note to self. Never use red eva foam if your going to plastidip it black. I should have known thay reds and oranges are the hardest colors to cover up. I've used more dip than I used on some of the other pieces trying to cover up the crevices that still show the red eva foam. I then had to go in with acrylic paint and a paintbrush to get the spots the plastidip wouldn't seep into. Live and learn. I'll try the brown next time if the black isn't available. Right now im working on the boots again. Bought some more elastic so I can pull the shin guards more flush to the boot. I found that hot glue doesn't really stick to the rain boots rubber surface. Even after letting it dry for some time it peels right off. Maybe an epoxy would work. But I'm actually better off with the elastic so they are removable allowing me to reuse the boot for the next build. Also going to try adding some of the grey padding under the armored plates to give it some additional color and dimension.

Scrubbed the idea of placing more grey padding under the armored pieces. Looks kind da cool but makes a squeaking noise when I walk. Lol. Not very batman-ish. :p
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Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

View attachment 396090

Note to self. Never use red eva foam if your going to plastidip it black. I should have known thay reds and oranges are the hardest colors to cover up. I've used more dip than I used on some of the other pieces trying to cover up the crevices that still show the red eva foam. I then had to go in with acrylic paint and a paintbrush to get the spots the plastidip wouldn't seep into. Live and learn. I'll try the brown next time if the black isn't available. Right now im working on the boots again. Bought some more elastic so I can pull the shin guards more flush to the boot. I found that hot glue doesn't really stick to the rain boots rubber surface. Even after letting it dry for some time it peels right off. Maybe an epoxy would work. But I'm actually better off with the elastic so they are removable allowing me to reuse the boot for the next build. Also going to try adding some of the grey padding under the armored plates to give it some additional color and dimension.

Scrubbed the idea of placing more grey padding under the armored pieces. Looks kind da cool but makes a squeaking noise when I walk. Lol. Not very batman-ish. :p
Mine squeak too it's ok lol. Hopefully have a finished pic tonight
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

VERY NICE!!! I LIKE THE WEATHERING TOO!!! It gives a more AUTHENTIC look! Keep it up!:thumbsup
Thanks. I added the same effect to the chest piece as well. Looks pretty cool and passed over the chest and abs with a quick once over with black plastidip just to give it a somewhat grime look in certain areas.
Last night I made the armor for the biceps/triceps but need to put it together and put some elastic on it or strap it on with Velcro. Haven't decided yet.
Quickly making some upper leg armor as well but I think it looks a little cheap. Opted to use some 5mm foam sheets I had just due to time constraints(and the fact that I used it for both the boots and gauntlet and it looks great)... In either case im not sure I'm happy with results thus far. But the legs need some color other than black to balance out the look. Maybe later I'll go back and try to mold some leg armor with thicker foam if the look doesn't grow on me.
So today's agenda is to finish armor for arms and legs. Add the weathered paint job to those pieces as well as the shoulders too. Attempt building neck armor. Then go to Halloween party and act tough. ;)
Re: WIP - Batman Arkham Origins

Thanks. I added the same effect to the chest piece as well. Looks pretty cool and passed over the chest and abs with a quick once over with black plastidip just to give it a somewhat grime look in certain areas.
Last night I made the armor for the biceps/triceps but need to put it together and put some elastic on it or strap it on with Velcro. Haven't decided yet.
Quickly making some upper leg armor as well but I think it looks a little cheap. Opted to use some 5mm foam sheets I had just due to time constraints(and the fact that I used it for both the boots and gauntlet and it looks great)... In either case im not sure I'm happy with results thus far. But the legs need some color other than black to balance out the look. Maybe later I'll go back and try to mold some leg armor with thicker foam if the look doesn't grow on me.
So today's agenda is to finish armor for arms and legs. Add the weathered paint job to those pieces as well as the shoulders too. Attempt building neck armor. Then go to Halloween party and act tough. ;)
i like yours better than mine :(image.jpg
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