1/2 studio scale TOS Galactica 95% done updated 12/22

You can also use epoxy resin to coat this or bondo, neither one will hurt the foam. I use a combination of both depending on the size of the piece.
REL, Ryan, thanks for the advice, i have tried the resin coating before on balsa foam, i will give it a shot on this stuff. I will try that 3lb foam when i get the chance. A quick update, you can see here the landing bays short the front and back "caps", i used plexiglass for the bottom of the landing bay and laminated MDF for the top, i also fabricated one of the thicker arms that hold the bays, i will mold and cast this blank and individually detail each as i need 4 all together. Also i have started the bottom half of the head....enjoy..
thanks again


Wow, this will be a first: a dimensionally accurate 1/2 scale battlestar build. I built a 4 footer years ago as a prelude to my studio scale Galactica and can tell you, you will have fun matching the detailing. Difficult, but fun. Freestyle kitbashing is so much more enjoyable than trying to exactly match original detailing.

Excellent work so far and very innovative idea with the foam fill. I'm looking forward to seeing her come together. :thumbsup

Mike, Oz
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(LastBattlestar @ Nov 28 2006, 02:26 AM) [snapback]1366756[/snapback]</div>
Wow, this will be a first: a dimensionally accurate 1/2 scale battlestar build. I built a 4 footer years ago as a prelude to my studio scale Galactica and can tell you, you will have fun matching the detailing. Difficult, but fun. Freestyle kitbashing is so much more enjoyable than trying to exactly match original detailing.

Excellent work so far and very innovative idea with the foam fill. I'm looking forward to seeing her come together. :thumbsup

Mike, Oz

I'm lucky that Dragon now has a 1/144 morser karl and leopold, i have both in hand and they have about 60-75% parts match to the hasegawa ones, some parts you need to chop but they are good kits. I also got a bunch of other half scale kits and none are as good as the Dragon kits. I got a hasegawa 1/72 8 rad and i was able to use part of it to help me fabricate the underside part i need, i will mold and cast that as i need 4. I have just about finished up the front and back "caps" that go on the landing bays, i will also take a mold of these as they were a bit of a pain and need a lot of detail parts from the leopold (i only have 4 of the 1/144 leopold), i wil get some pics tonight or tomorrow.

I would love to see some pics of the 4 footer if you have them, i looked for them on SSB but could not find them.
A quick pic of the caps, like i said these were enough of a pain that i will mold and cast them to get the 4 I need....




I will make a nice little forced perspective decal for the landing bay and add the t-bar to the castings....
So this put a big smile on my face today, got most of the main parts put together today with the exception of the middle arms and some of the underside stuff, it's really starting to look like a battlestar.




<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(knightdriver2001 @ Dec 1 2006, 05:06 PM) [snapback]1369694[/snapback]</div>
WOW, Amazing.

Well I am not sure if you are going to kit this but if so, I WANT ONE. :D

Please let us know.

Sorry, no kit on this one, i promised Charles, this is just for me and really to help me sharpen some of my scratchbuilding skills.

Here is an update, i have finshed all of the major body parts and have moved onto the detailing, I found out really quickly that i was not going to be able to match each detail to the studio model, in fact only a few. For the rest i have attempted to kit bash by looking at photos and doing the "round thingy goes here, square thingy here, triange dodad there, squishy oval thing there" method. I also found that in some places i really am going to need to add some finer details to keep the sense of scale. I am off in a few places, if this was a kit i would fix that but since this is for myself (and i don't mind a little asymetrical flare in a model) i left it, especially since i need to finish this up so i can get to making patterns for other spring kits.



<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mslz22 @ Dec 9 2006, 08:02 AM) [snapback]1374461[/snapback]</div>
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(knightdriver2001 @ Dec 1 2006, 05:06 PM) [snapback]1369694[/snapback]
WOW, Amazing.

Well I am not sure if you are going to kit this but if so, I WANT ONE. :D

Please let us know.

Sorry, no kit on this one, i promised Charles, this is just for me and really to help me sharpen some of my scratchbuilding skills.

Here is an update, i have finshed all of the major body parts and have moved onto the detailing, I found out really quickly that i was not going to be able to match each detail to the studio model, in fact only a few. For the rest i have attempted to kit bash by looking at photos and doing the "round thingy goes here, square thingy here, triange dodad there, squishy oval thing there" method. I also found that in some places i really am going to need to add some finer details to keep the sense of scale. I am off in a few places, if this was a kit i would fix that but since this is for myself (and i don't mind a little asymetrical flare in a model) i left it, especially since i need to finish this up so i can get to making patterns for other spring kits.




Nicely done Mike.

I don't think your scratch building skills need ever be questioned.

Truly masterful work.
Beautiful work Mike, i dont see where the scratchbuilding skills need honing as you got the art totally nailed. Its a pleasure to see this take shape :thumbsup

I hate you :angry

Been figuring out how to try this myself for years, and there you go with your superiority and advanced skills flaunting it in my face......

Looking great. It really brings me back to the 70's. I love watching the new BSG, but I grew up with the original...I even remember going to see the re-issued pilot in theathers in Sensaround (sp?).
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