1/144 Star Wars Millennium Falcon (The Force Awakens) plastic model BANDAI

So... look like it will be another update to this project ^^

Yesterday after finishing the plans for the mounting point on the OT Falcon I was like.... "Men do it also on the TFA one..." ^^

I was also not completely happy with the base I did for the first Falcon, to simple and rubbish, so I have re done that to XD

The work is almost done I will show off all that upgrade stuff when it will be possible ;)

Soon :)
So time for some pics :rolleyes

This modification is the damaged / repaired area was not easy... at all :facepalm

But I managed to re drill and mount a M5 bolt via the inside :wacko

Then this bolt connect to the base via a threaded steel rod :thumbsup

And the rod is glued on the base that I drilled as close as I can to the rod diam to have a strong joint ;)

And you have it, the pics are bad but that give the general idea, I will do far better one and a video update tomorow in sunlight with all the LED on :cheers

Happy modeling! :cheers
So now I have see that :wacko

I realy want to do more work on the TFA Faclon paint job :thumbsup

So I have masked the base that will help during the painting process because I will not have to hold it :thumbsup

And here we go again :lol

More news as soon as I have paint something :rolleyes
Finely get time to start the rework on the TFA Falcon paintjob :thumbsup

Dull coat applied and dried and for now working on the back of the hull first :rolleyes

Will be WIP for a while but I want to know what you guys think of the work already done ;)

Happy modeling :cheers
Still really nice, I see some changes, darker I think?

Thanks for the feedback ;)

Yep some washes and pigments added :thumbsup

And I've also paint the smal rectangles in grey and light grey on the engine flaps and two pannels also in grey and light grey :rolleyes
At last a much more accurate model to the 5 foot (albeit not STAR WARS, or as some say, "A NEW HOPE") falcon. Although I must say that the detail in the side walls is a little overwheling and would actually need to be "dumbed down" to match the original 5 footer. Having said that, i sure wish this was avaialble in an 18" or 3 foot version.
And here is a last update on the TFA Falcon, custom base finished and some photoshop fun :lol




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Really love that AS-20 Insignia White shade. I read from another post that someone compared it to the Master Replicas basecoat and found it an exact match so I bought a can myself. I did a comparison to the Bandai Falcon bare plastic and it's just a tad darker and more beige compared to the bare plastic's neutral light gray color. That's probably the reason vaderbreath got away with not using any basecoat and just wash and weathering -- very nice effect he achieved on his model. I'm excited about this weekend -- I'll be doing my first decanting experiment. I read up a bit about the proper way to do it -- I'm glad I didn't just go ahead and puncture the can's bottom with a nail :)
Really love that AS-20 Insignia White shade. I read from another post that someone compared it to the Master Replicas basecoat and found it an exact match so I bought a can myself. I did a comparison to the Bandai Falcon bare plastic and it's just a tad darker and more beige compared to the bare plastic's neutral light gray color. That's probably the reason vaderbreath got away with not using any basecoat and just wash and weathering -- very nice effect he achieved on his model. I'm excited about this weekend -- I'll be doing my first decanting experiment. I read up a bit about the proper way to do it -- I'm glad I didn't just go ahead and puncture the can's bottom with a nail :)

LOL. I grew up in my dad's sign shop so I had a lot of "games" like that. Another favorite of mine was disolving packing beads in bowls of lacquer thinner. It really is amazing that I'm not dead.
Really great work! Thanks for posting :) I just got one for Christmas and this thread was already helpful in providing a lot of the references I need. I'm hoping to figure out a way to do the lighting while keeping everything inside the model. Available lighting kits are ridiculously expensive and its probably better to build your own. I've been doing armor builds for so long I kinda miss building scale models. So this thread has gotten me really pumped to get started. Great save by the way at the end :D
Really great work! Thanks for posting :) I just got one for Christmas and this thread was already helpful in providing a lot of the references I need. I'm hoping to figure out a way to do the lighting while keeping everything inside the model. Available lighting kits are ridiculously expensive and its probably better to build your own. I've been doing armor builds for so long I kinda miss building scale models. So this thread has gotten me really pumped to get started. Great save by the way at the end :D

If you want some tip to keep everything inside you can look among others on my thread "bandai OT battlefront version" ;)
First of all, congrats for the absolutely stunning work Pinousse. I'd appreciate if you have time for a question regarding your oil wash: what did you use as a thinner?
I was even considering using an acrylic wash to avoid any problems with spirits/turpentine on Bandai kits. But yours came out truly fantastic. Thanks for the help!
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