Kylo Ren Saber Dimensions?

Kenzie C01

Active Member
I posted a similar thread recently with no luck. I thought it might be better here!

I’m modifying this free 3D model I found for free to make it more accurate. I printed a test part and it seems very small. The original author said that it is 9.5” (height) and can be scaled. I can scale it to its proper size once I find out what the height should be. It can’t be 9.5” right? Looks way too small. I printed the only blue print I could find at actual size and it lines right up with my tiny test 3D print. Disney store and Bladebuilders sabers shown for size comparison. Sorry for the terrible pic.


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No offence, but you created your original thread 2 hours ago, and you created your second thread with the exact same question only an hour later. At the time of posting, this thread had only 2 views - one from me and one from you - and your original thread didn't have many more than that, which explains why no one has replied because no one has seen your question yet. Give it some time and people will help you out.

I don't know the length of the actual prop, but I can tell you that 9.5" is definitely way too small. I think you'd need to be looking more in the region of 11"-12" roughly.

I might be wrong, but I don't think we have a definitive answer yet (although I'm happy to be proven wrong) as this particular lightsaber wasn't made from found objects, so it's hard to find a starting point for extrapolating accurate measurements.

Give it a few more hours and I'm sure someone with more knowledge will be along to help you out. Good luck!
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I just got back from Disney Hollywood Studios and was surprised at how small the sabers seemed to be compared to the toys sold everywhere. I would guestimate the saber being about 1/2 to 3/4 smaller in diameter than the Bladebuilders saber. Maybe you can use that to scale according to length. Hope this helps.
