My DeAgo Falcon

Started weathering the mandibles today. Black washed, base color drybrushed and the black lines added.


More details the coming days
I really need to finish them before the next delivery arrives, whch will end with assembling upper and lower hull
Cant await to finally do this major step and see her in all her glory :)
Here we are again

Issues arrived up to #93

But before THE major step, I needed to finish painting the mandibles first


Next, preparing for THE moment, mandibles, sidewall frames and engine difuser mounted


And now, holding the breath for a few seconds, I slowly married upper and lower half, and .....


... everything fits nice and perfect. A few paint touchups are needed later when all the final detail-greeblies are added
Good looking update pics . Thanks for sharing .
Did you light - block the interior of the mandibles where the LEDs are , and what did you do to alleviate the ‘ gap ‘ in the engine area ?

Ged :thumbsup
Thank you Ged :)

Well, as for your question, I did nothing for both areas you mentioned. The mandible headlights are orignaly sitting in a 1mm tube already.
As for the engine light, I was thinking about some minor modification to the curved boxes, but although the missing LED is noticeable, I am fine with it as it is ;)
Finished the engine cover... for now ;) This is what I am able to do without the missing plant-on parts. As far as I researched, five of the seven remaining issues will deliver them.

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Almost there

Mounted all sidewalls and the dockingrings. Will do the weathering on them tomorrow. Also will start adding details of the back end from the last 4 issues..... and a few unused sprues from earlier issues.

The next update will show the finished Hunk of Junk

Not finished as mentioned last update
I demounted the top back end for easier handliing. Took me the whole day to ALMOST finish the engine cover. Still need a few color touch-ups, but I want to let the glue settle over night.

Starting point after Issue #93 ( Mainparts assembled and repainted ) and parts added from # 96, 97, 98, 99


With still some weathering work missing here and there, I am pretty satisfied how it turned out at this point. I am positivly surprised how the seams from the main parts are hidden, only visible when you know where to look at
And at last, THE day has come. After 2 years in building, my 32" Studioscale Replica of the ESB Falcon is over. I really enjoyed the ride and really wish DeAgostini would continue this kind of work. I really would go nuts if the would transfer MR´s AT-AT into a weekly build-your-own project.


Ladies ( are there even any ??
) and Gentlemen, behold the final pictures


Unfortunatly I cant show of the interior. Don´t know, maybe I accidently glued the removeable panel at some points or something of the inner frame is slighly warped, but the panel is stuck somewhere and I really don´t want to force is off. On the other hand, I never had plans to display it open anyway, so I don´t worry about that.
I also didn´t build the landing gears as I want to display it in flight mode. The landinglights, which are meant to come on ONLY when the gear is installed is just temporarly activated for the photos only. Should I choose to display them later I might glue a small plate over the trigger within the gearbox.

Only thing left now is to mount it to the wall with the delivered TV-bracket.

Thanks everyone who followed, for all your tips and feedback and I hope you enjoyed it.

Over and out !!!

Congratulations mate , that’s one beautifully finished lady ! ( all hand painted , weathered right !? - incredible ! ) Thanks for sharing your journey .

Only opinion I offer regarding how you plan to display her , I wish it were not on the supplied stand . From what I’ve seen on other builds - it’s not very articulated , restricts displaying options , and it hides so much of the underside ! :facepalm But , hey it’s just a biased opinion on my part . As long as you’re happy !

Looking forward to what you tackle next ...

Best regards ,

Thank you ged :) yes everything done by hand :)

Actually I share your opinion about the supplied stand as its just a basic TV mount.
But I am also pretty restricted of space for this behemoth to display it flat as I would prefer. I might try to replace the metal mounting plate with a glass one or maybe I try something with fingers so the underside is more visible.

Whats next ?
Well, I just started the Eaglemoss DeLorean ;)
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Thanks Lear60man :)

Here my FINAL final photos. :) :) Thats the bracket as delivered by DeAgostini, and although I would have prefered something else to display it in a more flat flying position, its not as bad as first thought. The arm would extend out to about 40cm, but I don´t want to risk it to break out of wall due weight shifting.... or have one of our curious kitties jump up onto it

Thanks for sharing Scooby :thumbsup

It doesn’t look too bad at all ! You can still see the bottom turret , which is cool :cool . Did you have to provide the ( longer ? ) spacers , or did they come with the stand ?

Either way , Congrats again on your beautiful lady .

Love it! I think your falcon looks great. I plan on using the supplied wall mount as well and now I know what it will look like. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, thank you guys. Just for info, if you put the mount twisted 90° to the wall ( the "elbow" would need to point upwards ) , it might be possible to display the Falcon in more flat position. But as mentioned above, due weight of the model I didn't want to risk to either have it breaking loose from the wall or in the twisted position the arm joints might get dragged down by gravity.